

Lightning Strikes (Part 1)
The Rain poured Down Heavily, I Bet Every inch of the outside was covered In Rain. Lightning struck Too, I felt anxious I had always been scared Of lightning Especially When my Older brother Jack Got Struck From lightning. I Hated his Guts He'd Fight me And Hurt me Till Blood Spilled All around me. I was to little to remember what he looked like back then. For some reason he Ran Outside Fast In a hurry and As I watched Lightning Struck and Set him on fire He Layed On the Ground And Died. I don't really like to talk about that though. My Parents Don't like to talk about it either It brings old memories to them. It was A Friday Morning , The lightning Struck like mad I Was A Bit lucky though as I got to stay of school Due to weather conditions. I Kept staring Blankly outside (Lost in outer space as my dad says.)
A while Later My phone vibrated In my Pocket I Grabbed it and turned it on It was My Friend Jeff He Is Quite the Ganster Type My Parents think I shouldn't hang out with him as he gets me in to much Trouble I answered the Phone. " Hi Jeff " I Sighed. "Hey mate Its Bloody awesome ain't it?" He asked. In his Scottish Voice. I frowned" What's awesome? Did You get that New IPhone Thing You wanted so badly?" I replied Confused." What?" He shouted In the phone. I asked the same thing but spoked louder this time. " your Breakin up" He Told me. "WHAT IS AWESOME." I screamed at the top of my lungs. " Paul!" "Keep You're Voice Down " Mom shouted From the Kitchen." Sorry mom " I muttered . I think Jeff heard me this time. " The Weather Obs This Is SICK we get To Stay of school and Go Swimming!!!" He said ." Swimming??? " I Asked Nervously. Because 1. I didn't know how to swim and 2.I wasn't Like Those Rich Tik tok people Who Had Indoor pools in their houses. " You Don't mean You seriously want us to go OUTSIDE?" "Iye we will have a Rad Time!" Jeff said. I Could Tell He was Zipping his Boots up "Get Dressed I'll Pick Ya Up " He Said.
"D...Dont forgot to pack your umbrella..." I Stammered. "Bye " I Hanged up. So you could probably Tell By That Phone Call I REALLY Didn't want To Go Out . But I Knew Jeff wouldn't want to be friends with me if I didn't go with him. So Instead Of telling mom About How I Didn't like Brad Conserts and Jeff only Forces me to go to those places, I asked her " Am I Aloud To Go Out?" Of course At first She looked Like Her 12 year old Boy Had Become a Alien As She knew I Hated rain And Lightning And Told me No Then I Begged And Begged You know Like I always do Then She Finally Let me. I put My Minecraft Jumper On As It was the Warmest Thing I had In my empty Wardrobe. As well as Some Ginormous (To Big) Blue Jeans. Three minutes later I Heard A DING DONG I Rushed down stairs " I Am Going now " I shouted to Mom and dad. " Whoa Wait son You forgot your umbrella " He handed Me The umbrella Mom Used When She was eight. A flowery Bright pink umbrella. " Ehh No thanks Dad." I Handed it Back to him. He frowned " Listen Boy Look At that Weather! This is Not A Ehh .. nah thanks Dad." He shoved the umbrella back At me. " Thanks I muttered under my breath. Then Unlocked The door. Jeff Was there With His Wacky hair do. And Plain black Hoodie And A Old Xbox 360 Umbrella. " Sup " He Said ." Hi Good to see yoh" I Said trying to Act Cool even though everyone in the planet probably knows I'm the opposite. Ok I have to admit the weather was not as Bad As It looked. My Short straight Blonde hair Was Already Soaked But I Didn't Want To embarrass myself Having A GIRL umbrella.The Lightning still Struck It sort of got closer To us But i didnt realise it at the Time. " So What's you're plan?" What Are we Going to Do?" I Asked. " Dunno"
" Maybe Push You're Face in the water" I Honestly didn't know if he made a Joke or not so I just laughed awkwardly. "Hahaha..ha..."
" Maybe Golter?" Jeff asked. Golter is A game Jeff made Up even Though it has Nothing to do with what ever a Golter is He just thought It was A cool Name. So One Person Spins About With Their Eyes closed and I Get to move 10 Steps Only ten. But he Gets To Move as Fast as he can for 3 seconds Who ever Catches me Before It Becomes 1 minute Wins. I think it's a lame Game But Jeff likes it.
Ok" We started Playing the Game I took my ten Steps and was behind a Cat in a drive way. He Ran Quite Fast For 3 seconds But He Didn't know Where I was
I went again and So did he We played the game for ten minutes Until Something happened that changed my life As I mentioned Earlier The lightning Came Closer And Closer Till I WAS STRUCK WITH LIGHTNING.... ( I will continue in Part 2)

ps. Sorry if my Book is quite rubbish I am nearly 12 Still in Primary and my dream is to be a writer .So that's why there Rubbish. Sorry.

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