

inlove with my roommate part 4
lexi:JACK IT'S 9AM
jack: yea so?
lexi: u slept for an hour
lexi: u missed the first class
jack: I was gonna skip it anyway
lexi: mhm
Jack gets a call*
he answers*
jack: hey bro
ben: hey
Ben: there's a party at Lisa's house u going?
ben: that's wat I called u for
jack: mk
lexi: who u talking to
jack: cya at that party later
ends call*
lexi: u gonna answer me?
jack: ye
jack:there's a party later u coming?
lexi: I guess I'll go
jack: okay

a few hours later*
lexi: oh hey
ben: hey
lexi: sorry about the other day
ben: it's okay
ben: there's a party later u going?
lexi: ye my roommate told me about it
ben: well cya there

5 hours*
they get dress*

in the party*
ben: uh hey jack hey lexi
lexi: uh jack how do u know ben?
jack: he's my best friend
lexi: oh
ben:jack can I talk to u it private
jack: sure

part 5 coming soon