

Reincarnation (Chapter 10) [Short]
"Go on, introduce yourself." Master Guo said with a gentle smile.

"Hello... My name is Xiang Ting and that is my brother." I greeted with a small bow.

"How cutee~" I heard another female disciple squeal as I gave her a clumsy smile, "She doesn't look related to Yang Jian." One scoffed under his breath.

"Do I look like him now?" I asked with a bone chilling tone, all of them froze and jolted at my voice.

"You... Who are you?" My brother asked squinting his eyes at me, "I am Xiang Ting as well~ I generally protect her Aka me when I'm in danger." I replied with a smirk.

"Really?" My brother asked, "Hehehe~ Of course." I giggled out childishly. "You-" Someone tried saying something but I swapped my facade.

"Brother do I not look like you?" I whined, "Eh? What's wrong? Why do you guys look so gloomy?" I asked innocently, tilting my head.

"A-ah it's nothing." That female disciple whom I hugged trailed off awkwardly.

"Do you guys want me to act like my brother? I can do it, I did it to trick my brothers friend before. I think his name is Yun Xi." I said beaming at them, while my brother stood there like a rock.

"Yun Xi!? That guy!? How did he not know...?" One of them exclaimed with shock.

"So do you guys wanna see me act like my brother?" I asked once more.

"Sure." The guy who originally scoffed at me state plainly, "Okay than. I'll try." I said calmly before I closed my eye shut, wiping away all the emotions on my face and adjusting my voice to sound more like my brother.

"What are you guys doing here?" I acted with my brothers neutral tone that I've heard before

"Woah... That sounds just like him." One muttered under her breath with an awe struck expression.

"Hehe~ That's because I love my brother so I'm able to know how he acts like." I replied gleefully, "How do you know how to act so well?" It was my brothers turn to ask as he stared at me.

"Brother was I not supposed to?" I asked pitifully with my head down. "No... I was just asking you. I didn't know you can act." My brother replied softly.

"Oh! So brother doesn't hate me for that!" I exclaim cheerfully as he nodded firmly. "Well I just can act. It comes easily to me." I stated happily, beaming at them.

"Must be her..." Someone whispered as I smirked mentally.

~Host... Are you playing mind games with them?~

"Her? Huh? Who's her?" I asked innocently, "Your fu-" The person looked at me outraged but was quickly intercepted by my brother.

"No one. You don't have to worry." He said calmly, patting my head.

"Oh okay." I smiled back at him diligently before fake yawning softly.

"You must be tired, alright let your brother lead you to a room to sleep in than." Master Guo say with a crinkle in his eye.

"Thank you master Guo." I thanked him childishly before my brother teleported me into a large spacious room.

"Brother... Where are we?" I asked as he replied simply with a small upturned smile, "This will be your room from now on."

"Woahh!" I squealed out happily as I ran towards the bed and jumped onto it, "Than where will brother sleep at?" I asked poutily.

"Brother will be in the next room, directly opposite you so all you need to do is scream when there is an intruder." My brother informed me seriously.

"Okay." I nodded before yawning once more, "Mm, now go to sleep Ting'er." He said affectionately as my eyes fully closed.

My senses being sensitive to the changes in the environment as I sensed the presence near the rooms, specifically my room as there were people eavesdropping on us.

However it quickly left as in they went away, than I sensed a somewhat foreign yet familiar aura... It feels like.

My brother still patting me as I calmed down my heart and breathe peacefully as if I was sleeping.

Than I decided to sit up straight in bed, "Brother.." I called out, "Mmm? What is it Ting'er?" He asked me warmly.

"Can I learn how to heal people?" I asked curiously as he opened his eye to look at me, "Why so?" He asked.

Caressing my hair soothingly, "Uhm I don't know. I just feel like doing so..." I trailed off.

"Oh! Maybe it's because I can help brother out when he's injured." I grinned at him brightly, "What a considerate girl." He smiled at me softly.

"Good, this brother will help you arrange courses. Now go to sleep." He replied, as I nodded my head energetically.

~Why medical?~

~I thought you wanted a secret organisation?~


<-_- I want to become a famous physician and earn lots of money, than build my secret organisation where it can trade lots of intel.>

~Oh… Wow okay.~

© Naruko