

Her Surprise
A wet leaf fell on her shoulder making her jump in fear. Startled she shifted from her hiding place behind the bush and looked around. He wasn't there yet. She looked back at the front door of the mansion. She tiptoed to the window on the left side and looked through it.
There he was, looking for her around. She could hear him calling her name. She smiled. He was so predictable. One whole year with him , she could understand him better than he could. She remembered what she did. She didn't take his calls today, didn't respond to his messages.
She knew he would come back home running to her then.
And exactly that's what happened.

With silent steps, she went inside and creeped behind him. Her husband was so naïve in this, probably getting worried something happened to her. Too worried to notice a golden lying on a piece of paper on the coffee table beside the couch.

She took matters in her hand and slowly brought a piece of cloth behind her.
She put it around his eyes and he got startled.
"shhh.. it's me." she said.
"Rose...what ..what are you doing? Are you alright? you didn't answer my calls, nor my messages. What happened?" He asked this all in one go.

"yes, yes I'm alright. Nothing happened."
she guided him to the backyard of their house.

"where are you taking me? Get this off my eyes." he pleaded.

"Naah, I won't. You scared?" she asked with a mischievous smile on her face.

"What? no, of course not." he said but she knew better.

she took him towards the main area of the backyard which was now covered with red rose petals. it looked mesmerising with those fairy lights hanging from the branches of the tall trees grown there.
It made a perfect canopy.
And in front of it all was the centre of attention. A big board filled with their photos from the last year.
In between were written the words he so badly wanted to hear from her. The words that were sure to take his breath away.
"I love you, Amadeus."

She slowly undid the blindfold around his eyes. He looked around. It took a full minute for him to take everything in.
He didn't expect this. Heck, he thought about a lot of things but this.

He turned around to face her. There were tears in his eyes.
This girl, whom he loved more than anything in this world confessed her love for him. He was the most happy he'd ever been.
He hugged her tightly, not wanting to let her go even for a second. If it would have been a dream, he would have slept all his life to live this dream.

"Okay. okay. you can let me go now. I'm not going anywhere." she laughed saying this and tried to pull herself out of his grip.
but he only tightened his hold on her.
"no, no , no . I'm never letting you go." He breathed out.

She knew what he was feeling. It was surprise, love, happiness,. shock, pleasure, warm. He was feeling everything.
Even she never thought she'll fall for him one day. The guy who annoyed her beyond was now her husband.
The guy who once was a irritating stranger, now became everything to her.
She planned this for him. She knew he loved her. He has confessed it many times.
Scratch that! He confessed it to her every night in hopes of getting her to say it back.
But always ended up being disappointed.
But today, today his wish came true, his prayer was answered.

They both looked at each other with so much love and adoration in their eyes.
"But you could have texted me about this surprise. You know how worried I was . I thought something happened to you.So many different thoughts were running in mind. And none of them helped my increasing anxiety."

she laughed lightly.
"what can I say now when you are so stupid."

"what do you mean?"

"you never noticed the note I left for you ."

"you did?" he asked.

"yes, I did. But you never read it.
which makes me wonder how can you run such a big company when you aren't so smart to spot that note." she tapped her index finger on her chin.

"Because in your case, I'm a stupid and foolish lover not a businessman, darling." he said pecking on her cheek.

She blushed.
"That you are, husband."

© Asterin

hope you guys like it.
It's a short story.
Take care!