

The time is moving without permission.
Permission is granted by choice of authority.

Stepping into a greater version emerging forth with discretions wisdom I choose.

Setting up embassy for higher heights of government divine ready to establish.

This way of speaking keeps other's thinking but I'm merely reaching the shores of your minds.

Unwine relax into the spirit filled conversations building nation's unknown ready to germinate now releasing files.

This life isn't ready for what's been added to usher us further but some refuse being comfortable with the now.

Increase will come when you bend it makes creases of humility for us to learn.

The new found how's of doing the impossible
by faith takes taking us.


To the essence of what should be and the blessings that could be.

If we only believe and go persew what we've spoken.

Awaken I'm awoken to my true self.

Who else is left but the you within
you never knew then.

© Melvin Hardy Jr.