

At First Glance
The calm was different as her feet were guided by the sunshine. Nervous of the road ahead, she clinched her teeth and stepped down the unknown path. Suddenly, air turns warm as cool breeze brings the scent of something unfamiliar but sweet. A smell that tantalized and pulled you closer to find it's bearer. Closer...Closer.. she stepped to follow the scent.

"What is that?".. rang out in the near distance as charming lifted his head to stare. She decided to approach with confidence but as she drew near doubt entered the mind. She decided to only cross his path and say nothing. Stillness filled the air as butterflies and birds enjoyed their day.

There eyes met as she glanced over her right shoulder and turn to walk away. "Beautiful, please stop" came from his lips. She turned and walked back towards the sun in melanin form of God smiling upon her. "What is your name", he asked. "Goddess". He smiled with sweetness and said, "Yes you are." Numbers exchanged and she disappeared into the road ahead. He was still watching.

Now, two years later they share in the moment of a thousand kisses later... and they are at bliss. For their love at first sight prevailed and relationship grew with time to share in forevers... beauty.
© Evone GoddessLegba Payton Banks