

Libra: Prologue
The world has always been this way, being categorized and organized by the Greek zodiac signs. Capricorns with capricorns, virgos with virgos, etc. It's been this way since the legendary king, King Brimax decreed the Zodiac Act in 50110 AE (After Earth). Since then, the kingdom has divided the provinces by all of the zodiac signs, so everyone that has the same sign can live together in one particular place.

The kingdom has been living in peace and prosperity for 300 years. No one has defied the system because no one is different from all of the labels of their zodiac sign. Well, that is what the officials say. But since we are stuck inside our provinces, so we don't know how the other provinces are doing.

Each provincial government has different ways to deal with people who don't fit in with the set of stereotypes involved with their particular zodiac sign. Some may get excuted, others might be shunned, or they might be exiled out of the province and be forced to survive "The place of the Ancient One". No one who has been exiled has returned from there.

Except for me, Eclipse. I went through exile, and somehow came back alive. Of course, I am not going to spoil the fun and tell you everything I did before and after exile. No, that's up to you to read the next chapters.