

Strolling in the park
A couple strolling in the park
Out for a walk after dark
They heard the sound of a bark
They knew it wasn't an Aardvark

The sound came from the bushes
And there were several boxes
A whine inside the darkness
The lady yells "my goodness!"

Inside the box was a puppy
He seen the couple happily
He started to get jumpy
And was a little bit clumsy

The man picks up the canine
"no tag or collar and its nighttime"
Let's take him until daytime
He'll be warm in the meantime

So they carried the tiny guy
Into the car where its dry
The lady says "so cute, oh my"
She lets out a really big sigh

The puppy seemed tired
Is he hungry they wondered
They went home to the cupboard
He'll like beef stew they figured

The tiny furball ate it all up
She said "so hungry for a small pup"
They each gave him a good rub
He slept after having enough

Soon the morning had come
They took him outside for a run
For fresh air and some sun
The tiny dog had lots of fun

They discussed what to do
The bond with him had grew
Smiling they both already knew
She yelled "yes yabadabbadoo"

She was so excited and lit
Him in a contest she submit
Puppy of the year was it
They won, it was a perfect fit

Prize was five hundred thousand
The man says,, to think he was orphaned
They bought toys, blankets and a bed
After that day all three were pampered
© Schizology