

"Hello, hmm, I’ll be there in just ten minutes, please stay with him”. He talked on the phone while running to get a cab. He wanted to stay at home with his father, but it was his father who assured him that he would be alright. But, it was not for the first time that he had to rush to save him. Years ago, when his father fainted for the first time, he was in school. He could still remember how he felt when his housemaster came to tell him that a neighbour had come to fetch him. He thought that his father had died, but it was only a heart attack which sent him to the hospital.
And now, it was not heart attack but something else. Something he had never imagined. The cab stopped in front of his house—which he had occupied since the day he came with his mother. He was just four years then. He and his mother had been dropped by a cab driver. A man received them at the door, and his mom gently held his hands in hers and had said, “You are my brave son. I love you and you know it. Here you would have a brother to share your room and life with. He would accompany you in every problem of your life. You would have a father too.” A brother who would share my problems!!!
The father whom he called “Pa” because he had been asked to do so, was now in the cab with him and they were rushing towards the hospital. Father was unconscious, now old in his sixties, but time was not kind to him and he looked older with his thin grey hair. When they reached the city hospital, the cab driver helped him to lodge his father on the stretcher.
Jason was flabbergasted when he heard that it was not heart attack which caused her father to collapse. He had been asked for CT Scan, and the doctor would conclude his opinion after the report. Until then, he had to wait… While sitting on the bench in waiting area, he thought that he would never tell his elder brother about it, whom he had never regarded as family. Why he should have? He was the one who killed his mother. He was the one who caused trouble for him when he was in school. His brother became a thorn in his eyes when he was in high school. A nurse came to him and said, “Are you Mr. Fallon’s son? Dr. Raphael wants to see you.”
(to be continued...)