

Story of us
I am SUN. You are the SKY.
I'm Solar to produce LIGHT.
You are Ozone to protect LIFE.
I'm a STAR of FIRE..
You are DOME of PLANET..
I'm HOT. You are COOL.
I'm a Hydrogen Sphere.
You are Oxygen Bubble.
We are a million miles apart,
but we are knotted with the love of magnetism..
We do not meet but we are aligned in an orbit to see each other every day..
Our love may not be physical but it is soulful, visible, truthful and trustful..
Distance doesn't matter as long as we share the same destiny to provide life..
I'm the Burn.You are the shadow
I'm the Heaven.You are the Earth.
We are two different celestial bodies but we are the sources of Beautiful Life.
I add colour to you and life on earth.
You are the mirror to show my light in gold and a crimson jewel rising and falling to the world..
Our union is the blessing of God's creation to the whole world.
© Hana