

Her story about the world
It all started when she got introduced to a new world where you can share your thoughts and also connect with each other.It seemed like a easy going world where everything seemed so good .In matter of time she got addicted to it.Anytime of the day or anytime of the night ,she spend it on that world.Addiction took a toll on her,this world became her happy place.Not that she was alone but just this world was far more better since she was far away working hard to earn.This world was like a fresh breeze but it still had it's consequences.She met so many people there and all wanted to be her friend,her vibes ,her happy attitude was what pulled them towards her.In no time she was known as Queen of the world.It need not necessarily mean to be popular or earn extra money.It was just that people respected her and always longed to be with her.Her company was most desirable.It never occurred to her that one day this world would have to leave but well it was a surprise she got pulled into another world similar .This seem like a challenge ,a new world ,familiar places from old world yet a lot of risk but by the end all seem normal.She got so many beautiful friendship that she would cherish for life and that's all that really matters.
© dreamdarer