

The Bridge Of Trust

In a small village nestled between two great mountains, a deep chasm separated the villagers from their ancestral lands. For generations, they'd relied on a rickety rope bridge to cross the divide.

One day, a severe storm destroyed the bridge, leaving the villagers stranded.

Elena, a young and fearless villager, volunteered to find a solution. She embarked on a perilous journey to seek the wisdom of the elderly sage, Marcus.

Marcus lived on the other side of the mountains. Elena traversed treacherous paths, facing her fears and doubts. Finally, she reached Marcus's humble abode.

"Marcus, our bridge is broken. How can we rebuild trust among our people?" Elena asked.

Marcus smiled, "Trust is not built; it's nurtured. Take this small stone." He handed Elena a smooth, round stone.

"What's its significance?" Elena asked.

"Drop it into the chasm. If you trust, it will find its way."

Elena hesitated, then dropped the stone. They watched as it fell, disappearing into the depths.

Days passed, and Elena returned to her village. The villagers, skeptical of Marcus's wisdom, questioned Elena's decision.

One morning, a sturdy wooden bridge spanned the chasm. The villagers marveled at its beauty and strength.

As they crossed, they noticed the small stone embedded in the bridge's center. It was the same stone Elena had dropped.

Marcus appeared, smiling. "Trust is not seen; it's felt. You trusted, and the universe responded."

The villagers realized that trust wasn't about the physical bridge but about faith in each other and themselves.

From that day forward, the villagers crossed the bridge with confidence, knowing that trust was the foundation beneath their feet.

© Mercy