

Imperfect love
I took my seat beside the window, opened the window and was looking outside and saw the background sprinting back upon me. I payed only a little attention to what's happening inside the bus until a lady holding her baby took a seat in front of me. As the baby looked behind , I started to play with her adorable smile, we all usually do the same , no matter how much rigorous person you are. Babies always melts our heart. Even I forgot my purpose of the day and was enjoying the time with her. Suddenly I noticed my stop , and got down . I took a glance in the front of the day care, saw parents leaving their kids, talking to the respective caretakers.Aftet that I entered , with a confident attitude , as you know ' first impression is always a best impression'. I went near to the receptionist, Helen and asked for the direction to the daycare director, Mrs.Tyler. As directed I went on and saw her cabin and asked like ' may I come in ma'am?'.With a smile she welcomed me informally , like ' Hey , you are Emma Williams right , the new staff ? Come in, how r you dear?' I just nooded and said that I was fine. I really liked her way of greeting , she was like free minded with me , may because it's my first day. She introduced me to the other staffs and co-workers, gave me my schedules and oriented me around the place. Finally to my class , to the herd of creative young minds. When Mrs. Tyler opened the door , what I saw was a ball hitting straight to her. I could barely control my laugh , but still hold on and helped her to move out , Sara, the other staff accompanied her to the cabin. After she left , I was bursting out of my laughter, it's really not a good manner but still... Then took a deep breath in and out , I looked around , kids were just staring at me . I just walked through the mess created in the room and suddenly saw a kid ....

© Jerry