

story of jinn ..episode one the uncovered truth
This is a horror genre....
Lovely readers 😊
This is somewhat called native stories.. or lok Katha in our place it's the story about jinn.
Introduction:jinns are a kind of ghosts which are worshipped by some of its deities to preserve wealth n to gain money nd profits .. they are not as funny as they are told in story aladdin jinns means ghosts also in Arabic.
story : My Nani lives in a village named shikarva which is very old and the natives were strong believers of jinns . they worship them as any God. Nani used to tell me a story .once there was a teacher named vishnoy in that village long ago when Nani came and was young enough to become newly wedded bride almost 70 years before ... Vishnoy used to bring his daughter everyday in his cycle to the market to buy vegetables as she was motherless child
His daughter nd the father were happiest together but sometimes he used to think that he needs a women to devour in his life. He used to look village women's with lustful eyes nd realized he is deep down very lonely.So he started praying to jins .He performed spiritual yagyas nd one day a jin appeared impressed by him.

There was a somky dust everywhere when the shinning red jinn appeared . His eyes were shinning like blue pearls , face was black as night ,body was red ,wicked smile on his face and shimmering hands with magic in it .He asked the jinn to grant his wish of giving him a beautiful and helpful wife...
thunders cracked... clouds spun all over his head the jinn said.." your wish is granted ,oh heavens n hell ,give her the most beautiful bright women as his wife.."
but,little did he know... the jinn now asked that after every wish he grants he demand something he wishes for ..it's basically give n take.. the man shivered in fear,the jinn laughed his vicious eyes were looking for something.." oh man I want your daughter now .. I want to marry her.. " he whisphered in his ears . Vishnoy never expected this .The jinn sang like huss fuzz ziff fizz ....Vishnoy was greedy but very doting father as well. How could he give his heart with his hands .. He revolted n said- "I won't give you my daughter u understood"...But the jinn was nowhere he dissappeared. Vishnoy told the whole village they were very scared after hearing all this.
After 3 months he married a beautiful women ,as the jinn has granted. 3 days later there was a thunder n lightning insky. It was a black night with no moon. suddenly vishnoy's little daughter started flying in the air . His wife was trembling in fear watching this ....the daughter was taken by the jinn inside the lamp in which the genie lives. It happened because his daughter looked at the mirror at night from were the genie saw her.
The lamp can be opened only by performing rituals. The lamp disappeared and Vishnoy was astonished so was her new wife .But he was determined to bring his daughter back ....

#horrrorstory #fantasy #storytelling #loveislove #inspiration
© @rickylove