

The night
The moon, with a thin golden gleaming thread hung down the sky- a fine mixture of pale yellow and bloodred, only partly visible through the black floating clouds.A smear of red lightly fused on the surface - slightly twinkling; the only twinkling visible that night. Cold air blew taking with it fallen dried pieces of leaves that lightly sinked on the muddy ground. A distant growl and feeble echoes was heard, then a dead stop. Silence again.It was a deathly still night.Splash! a few drops fell through the night and plop!plop! heavier drops fell on the dark puddle.A flash of lightning- the only time the raindrops sparkle in the dark.The sound of lightning raved in the grave night.An eerie smell approaches.A monstrous figure disguised in the most barbaric fur raged in the dark.Its eyes shone at the sniff of blood.It crampled the last flower that bloomed as it reeled through the mist.Fresh drops poured down its face - perhaps sweat,perhaps rain,perhaps blood.It let out an angry growl as the moon became pallid.Cold despair spread with each unsteady,heavy step.It tramped and tramped....and halt!A tiny but palpable glow of light-bright golden turning dim and even more with each passing second under its foot.A golden fairy with its eye shut closed.The monster perplexedly glared down at it's foot- an angry glare.The dark clouds swum away revealing the big moon.The fairy gleamed golden- brighter and brighter, infuriating the beast and with great ardor it stomped on the ground ; a heavy step shuddering the ground beneath.A hurried gust of wind that forces along with it the golden thread and within a second it stretches just beyond its limit.The big moon falls off- a big loud crash.The moon is all red now.The monster gave a last big gasp under the moon. The sinister look wiped off its face, no more murderous gazes.Death is nature's remedy for all things.The vestiges of the golden light shimmering and look! a new flower beside the huge body. it sparkles though- sparkles in red.
(the grammatical errors were deliberate..please don't bash upon me ..heheee.. although id appreciate both criticism and/with advice..)
© kaycee_isha