

Days that seemed to go on forever, and times when you couldn't find someone to talk to. I was like a person in a prison the only difference is that I had the liberty to go wherever I wanted. though I had locked my self from the world. One person made me hate every creature called human being on planet earth.
I had created my own prison and had failed to break loose out of it. She had hurt me,she betrayed me. "How could she do this to me?" I kept asking my self. she had gone behind my back and cheated with my boyfriend. and how could he have done that to me amongst all women on earth he chose one of my closest friends.
I heard someone knock on my door."Who could that be" I asked myself I wasn't expecting anyone. I gathered up energy and went to open the door. it was my best friend Lucy. "What do you want?" I asked with a lot of harshness.
"look am here to apologize for not telling you what I knew" she said.
"How could you not have not told me about Jake and Alice and after you call yourself my friend, your all the same?" I shouted at her
"look am not the one who was having a relationship with your boyfriend so don't shout at me " she hissed.
" whatever" I said and closed the door on her face. I went back to my bedroom and cried myself to sleep. This had become my daily routine. In the mean time I grew thinner and thinner everyday.
One day I decided to go on my face book account and what I saw scared me.
in my sorrow Jake and Alice were still enjoying there life. they were at the posting there photos. " my God these people don't have shame" and here I was crying myself to death I regained strength and decided never to cry for that bastard again I got up put on my make up made my self lunch. I called Lucy and asked her to come over.
when she arrived I told her I had forgiven her and told her I had decided to move on. "Wow girl that's the spirit" she said . And thats how I became happy again after three months of solitude.

© Perfect Writer