

Dystopianople: Utopia- Chapter 3
It had been two months since the Shadows had cursed the overworld, everyone was on edge in the surviving city, tension filled the air as dense as morning dew. But after another month people started to celebrate that those creatures hadn't found this safe haven people called the underworld.
Todd padded close to me as we walked through the main markets. The rulers, King Charles the sixth and Queen Millie, had hosted a festival in place of the ruined one all those weeks ago. It was the month of Rain’s Hand, making the air humid.
The crowds were full of excited and happy chatter, but I could not be any more tense and warry. I feared that hosting a festival would attract those creatures like Humphery had told me. He had warned the royals but they refused to listen, so for two months we spoke about and made almost what you would call a clan, or club.
This clan we made was made up of nine families and twenty other men and women skilled in education and survival for something like this. With close to a hundred people, if anything went wrong we knew where we would escape too, since Humphery was confident about what he thought.
I kept my head low, carrying Todd through the crowds. I stopped briefly to purchase some fish then continued toward the growing festival. Decorations of flowers and vines were streamed on every building. People would dance to cheery music, laughing and singing.
The town’s center was filled with a large crowd as someone on a stage, high in power, spoke over the buzzing crowd, “Everyone, I would like to announce a few things before this festival starts.” I walked along the side of the crowd as he continued, “The royals are proud to say how we have stayed untouched by the plague that has spread in the overworld!”
The crowd cheered. I stopped dead and clenched my teeth, looking at the announcer. Those painful words rung in my head, ‘Plague? It’s not a plague, there are huge beasts roaming around!’ The word plague echoed in my mind, making me feel slightly unsteady.
A hand grabbed my shoulder, I turned around. Humphrey glared across the crowd. His dark eyes seemed hollow, making a shiver run down my spine as his deep voice shook my soul, “So this is what they're going to tell the public? They’ll be in for a big surprise” He looked down at me, “Won’t they?” I nodded, fearful of what he would do if I disagreed with his judgment.
The announcer’s voice rose again, continuing to speak of something I hadn’t been listening to, “Now that that’s out of the way, let the celebrations begin!” Loud music rang about, cheerful and steady. Todd climbed onto my shoulder, escaping the dancing feet.
Humphrey’s voice followed me as we pushed through the crowds, “Gather your things while you still can, boy.” I turned my head to look at him but we had already disappeared into the crowd.
I found myself walking an empty street as music chimed in the distance. I entered my room in the Inn and vigorously started packing, weather Humphery’s thoughts are right or not, I’m getting out of this city.
I shoved books and belongings into my bag as Todd munched on some food that I grabbed once he was finished. A woman’s voice hissed behind me, it didn’t surprise me, as though I expected it, “Do you really trust Humphery?”
I twisted my head around, seeing Meredith. Her familiar golden hair bounced just above her shoulders, her sharp blue eyes softened with worry.
I threw my bag over my shoulder and fixed the straps around my waist and chest, “Even if he’s wrong I’ll be leaving.” My voice was tight, fear escaping it. I picked up Todd and walked past her out the door. She followed me out of the Inn, “Where are you going to go?”
“Why do you care?” I stopped in the middle of the deserted road and turned around, almost to confront her as she answered, “Well… I guess I just find you kind of cute.” I took a moment to think as I stared at her, she looked almost hopeful in the moment of silence, the only noise was the cheerful music far below us.
I just turned around and started walking, Tod sitting on the top of my bag now. She didn’t follow but called to me, “You can’t just leave! Charlie, say something at least!” Annoyance burned in my chest as her words spilled out, hopeless and distraught. Once I turned around, past her, movement caught my attention.
I saw it. An army of those shadow monsters marching towards the city, my heart pounded, our escape was on the other side of the city. Meredith turned around to see what I was looking at, once she saw it she raced down the street past me.
I grabbed Todd and ran down the street towards them, the large beasts screeched in triumph as they either crashed through the walls or hurtled over them. I ran almost towards the creatures to a bunker Humphery had directed the clan to.
I raced down the empty street, loud cries coming from the ceremony, my heart ached but I kept running. My feet felt hot from pounding on the stone ground, Todd gripped my shirt tight, keeping steady. My chest screamed for air but I kept running.
From behind me a crash sounded and I tripped, I fell hard, scraping my knees. Todd fell out of my arms and onto the ground, his white fur fluffed as he stared behind me.
As I turned to my back I stared up at a large and lanky creature, it was large and shadowy like the rest. This one had an extra pair of arms that tucked close to its chest while the rest made it stand high above the buildings. It’s short, bent over body held a long face that had bulging eyes that stared down at me, hungry.
One of its tucked arms rose, revealing long claws that swung towards me. In a moment of adrenaline I jumped out of the way, as I landed on my feet I heard a yelp that was quickly cut off.
I turned and looked up in horror as Todd’s limp body was thrown into the creature's large mouth. Tears swelled my eyes but my mind told me to run, so I did.
As the creature was distracted I raced the rest of the way down the street where I saw Humphery Leading people into a stone hallway into the town’s wall that led down into a bunker.