

Kitten on the Bookshelf
One night I was sitting in my room alone playing on my phone, but I had the eerie feeling that someone was there with me. I looked up from my phone and I saw him, a shaggy looking creature, a kitten sitting on the top of my bookshelf, just looking at me. To this day I have no clue how he got in. I felt that I should probably get rid of him, but he didnt seem that bad, he was small and probably just wanted a friend. I decided to let him stay with me.
At first it was okay, he really only wanted to play every once in a while and then he just kinda kept to himself.
Then he started to get more needy, he wouldnt even let me go to work without him. I figured what the hell and brought him with me, I kept him hidden at work, but I always knew that he was watching me, just waiting for me to be done so we could play.
After a while I got fed up with it and tried to make him stay home, but even then I swear I could still hear his meows. I came home from work and my apartment was wrecked, trash and piles of clothes everywhere, and on top of the piles, that shaggy little asshole sat like a king watching over his kingdom. The apartment looked like a frat house, and smelled like one too. I didn't feel like dealing with this after work so I took him and locked us in my room, we watched music videos and played guitar until it was time to go to bed. That night I couldn't sleep, and neither did he, he ran around all night long and made noise.
As time went on he grew to a much larger size, and he became more and more of an attention whore, I couldn't walk without him in front of my feet, he constantly needed attention, it got to the point that I couldn't even enjoy my hobbies anymore, and I got behind on school work and had issues keeping up with stuff for my job, which scared me cause I was afraid of losing my career that I worked very hard on. I tried to get him out, I attempted to smoke him out but he wasnt phased by it, then I tried putting a repellant in a spray bottle and sprayed it around the place, but there he still sat, smiling at me as if he was mocking me.
I started to notice that I really never see him sleep, not even nap. He doesn't even seem tired after a full day of being up my ass. I came to the realization that he only sleeps when I sleep, but even then he insists on being a pain and sleeping on my chest, suffocating me.
I really wish I got rid of him when he was a kitten, cause now hes huge and I dont even think I have enough authority to make him leave. But hell, I guess hes now part of the family.