

Death's Cat
Ka was friends with the full moon, or so he always imagined it to be. The moon would be there whenever he visited Earth, in all her glory. And while he was still alive the moon had been there for him until Death took him. Until Death relieved him of the duties he had to his human, the human he had stayed with until Death came for her too. The human who had named him Ka, centuries upon centuries ago. So when he found himself alongside Death, being a companion and pet again, he always longed to see the moon. The full moon to be exact, the moon that had brought him comfort. 

Tonight the time came again as he sat on the roof of the house, stretching his front legs and yawning, he always had to get used to having a physical body again. It tired him out, even though he was using Death’s magic to have access to it. Though maybe it came with being a cat, the constant need to relax. He shook his head, his green eyes watching the streets, looking out for the person he was sent to comfort, the last comfort for the woman he was about to meet. Seeing the open window he was told he would find, he slipped inside, looking inside the cozy bedroom. The bed looked neatly made, the blankets tucked in but there was no human inside. He stood on his hind legs, keeping balance with his tail as he sniffed the air for any sign, any telling of the woman he was about to meet. Until he suddenly heard the sound of crying, the crying he was oh-so-familiar with. 

It reminded him of her. Of his human. 

Ka sprinted forward with urgency, going through the corridor and going down the stairs, finding the black-haired woman on the couch, all huddled up with blankets and pillows to keep herself warm. Ariana, he remembered Death say, that was her name. He knew that the woman wouldn’t recognize him as real, to her and anyone else he was seen as a hallucination, a trick of the mind, but either way, he wanted them to know he was real. That he would stay with them until their death, like he was supposed to, as his duty told him. Because while he was relieved of his real-life duty, he now had a new duty in his death, a duty just like his old one. To comfort a human, until Death took them, just like he had comforted her. 

He jumped onto the couch, bringing attention to himself by beginning to purr and meandering himself through the blankets to lay on top of her. Ariana barely registered him, her eyes unfocused and her cheek stained with tears, trying to find her voice to speak for him. It was strange, most of the humans were never scared upon seeing him, they didn’t know what followed afterward. Their minds were far too clouded to figure out what was happening, or they were far too panicked to realize. Ariana was one of the humans that were too sick to even realize, but Ka could feel the humans appreciated it, how they would slowly begin to calm down and settle. How they would slowly come to accept. 

Ariana freed her left arm from under the blanket, beginning to gently pet Ka’s head, which only served to surprise him. Ka slowly closed his eyes before opening them again, returning the affection he had gotten from her. Her hand was far too warm, moving was clearly putting strain on her body from how much she was shivering and trembling. He didn't know how long he would have her still, but at least he wasn’t too late. At least she wouldn’t be alone. 

When he felt the petting come to a stop, her hand heavy on his head, he didn't stop purring. He continued, hoping to ease the pain she must be feeling. He continued, hoping that maybe she would stay, she would get through. But he knew that when Death gave him a job, there was nothing that could change it, Death knew. And Death would make sure they would have someone, even if they didn't know who it was. 

He slowly got up, her hand dropping from his head and he moved closer, laying next to her head on the pillow. He looked out of the window, once again meeting his friend the moon, just like centuries upon centuries ago. And just like then, the black cat didn't leave, he stayed. He stayed with his human, with Ariana. Until Death came. 

© E. Orchids