

Isabella's diary (Chapter 1).
It was a Sunday afternoon.. Have gotten admission into Royal Comprehensive High School, am to be in Jsss1. My parents have been getting all my needs and requirement for my stay in the boarding house. Have never been there, not even away from home..

We got back from church, we had rice and chicken for lunch, then every one retired to their rooms. I putted on my head phone, and was listening to "Perfect" by Ed sheeran. My room door flung open, I removed the head phone from my ears.
"ISABEL! we forgot, you are to resume to the hostel today!"
"Mum, but how come!?" I said. "Just get that thing off your neck and get a shower now!" she roared.

I was still confused, then I remembered that my parents didn't tell me the resumption date. Fuck! I rushed into the bath room and had a shower. When I entered my room, it was kinda empty, especially my ward robe.
Oh God! don't just stand there, get dressed!" my mum shouted as she was brushing her hair. I got dressed into a green turtle neck top and a jean, I stood in front of the mirror accessing myself. "Jeez! am scared" I muttered. I placed my hands on my hip and smirked. "My princesss, its time" I turned and saw my dad. I nodded and walked out of my room. I saw a big pink brief case outside my door room.

"Leave it, I would roll it out" he said. "Sis Bella, is going!?" my 6 year old sister shouted in disbelief. I knelt close to her and whispered into her ears, "I would be back, I have to go" I whispered. She looked sad and only nodded. "You can have doodie while am gone" I said, she grinned and went to get my teddy. We got into the car, heading to my school. I watched Annabel playing with doodie, she was so happy to have my teddy. My mum kept looking at all sort of papers in a confused manner.
We got to RCHS, it was a 45 minute drive. We got out of yhe car, my dad rolled out my brief case. My clearance was checked, I chose pink to be my house colour.

"Go through that gate, the first floor of that building, check the door post and enter into pink 02 room, that's your room" the woman told me.
"Isabel, you would be fine and you know we love you" my dad said. They both hugged me, Annabel was holding my leg. I squatted and rubbed her hair as she grinned with doodie in her arms.
I got to the gate and turned to look at my parent, I saw dad holding mum's shoulder while mum kept cleaning her face with an handkerchief....

❤To be continued❤..

© Damie.