

The Change (Story of a Girl how face so many chances in her life)
Vie and Saira going together to meet Meia . But in the way Saira listen that anyone is saying that "Oh no the car breaks are fail. What i do now. "When Saira saw that a red car is going to crash a little girl holding a puppy Saira don't think a lot she just run and trying to stop that car. Vie was first confused that why Saira is running but when he saw that a car is going to crash a little girl and Saira is trying to stop it he got scared for Saira and for that little girl too. That car was in speed because of it Saira was using more strength her eyes start to shine Vie noticed it Saira have never used her power to stop a heavy car who is in speed she wanted to stop it she takes 5 minutes to stop it and she stopped it but she was not feeling good she have use lot of powers in one. But she don't think about herself first she asked from that little girl.
Saira :Kid you are okay you are fine.
Little Girl :(Start to cry )I'm was just trying to save that little puppy. Puppy don't know that who to cross zebracrossing sorry.
Saira :No need to say sorry I'm was just trying to become like you.
Little Girl :Like me but why ?
Saira :You was trying to save puppy and i to you .
After this all they both go to meet Meia. When Meia meet to both of them.
Meia :Aahhh! Finally you both are together. Vie tell me when you come.
Vie :Today i came from my hostel. Meia tell me that it is truth that you are going to take a special medicine from you will get power like Saira .
Meia :Yeah..
Vie :But it can be dangerous.
Meia :My life my choice. Now i have to go to the experiment lab for take that medicine.
After saying this Meia go from there. Vie and Saira decided to go with her. When they reached to the lab Scientists send Meia to the another room. Saira ,Vie and scientists was watching Meia from a glass window in a room which was attached to Meia room .Meia take the special medicine she was feeling a change in her body she covers her eyes and shout loudly. Her black color eyes changed her eyes color change into red Meia looks in Saira eyes Meia talk to Saira by telepathy Saira gets surprise when Meia connect her mind to Saira mind.
Meia :Now your time is gone now it's my time now everyone will like me people will become my fans.
Saira :Wait you will get more change and pain.
Meia get confused then suddenly she feel pain she was getting more change and pain. Meia stop to use telepathy and say as human.
Meia: More change mean more power.
After saying this she go from the lab. Vie :What mean more change more power.
Saira :I will tell you all everything but first i have to go near by Meia.
Saira use her muscle power run fast she go out of the Science lab and start to search Meia. Meia she was feeling too much pain but she want to go near by his grandfather. Saira was confused that where Meia can go but when she saw so many mess in the way she decided to follow that messy way. People was looking scared on road there was some things looking like that anyone has thrown them. Saira now was scared for Meia then she try to contact to Meia by telepathy and they connect also but Meia was saying nothing than also Saira was able to feel her pain.
Saira :Meia if you are hearing me then please tell me where you are.
Meia :Help me please I'm not able to control these powers help. I'm not able to think anything .Please help.
Meia start to shout.
Saira was so confused now that where she go and what she do. Then Vei call her. Saira attend the call.
Vei :Saira where are you what this all happening here i am so confused.
Saira :I am too. I'm trying to search Meia but can't finding her now what i do.
Vie:If you want i can search her by her self phone GPS sent me her phone number.
Saira sent him Meia phone number Vie searched Meia in seconds.
Vie :I have taken the computer course that's why it was easy for searched her.Just now she is near by the old lake which is near by our school. I think she is going at home.
Saira :Thanks a lot .
Saira go fast and search Meia. She found Meia setting on a stone. She was looking so faded. Saira go near by Meia.
Saira :Finally i found you .Why Meia i can't understand that why you select this pain for you .
Meia :I..... Aahhh..... I'm was jealous from you that everyone likes you no-one likes me. I thought if i will also these powers people will start to like me. I just want that only ones grandfather said me that he loves me.
Saira :You think that people don't like you people love you me too. Only just go near by your grandfather and asked them that he loves you or not. Than you will get the answer.
Meia start to cry she was angry from her self she was not able to control her emotions. Her powers over control. Her powers was making her emotions more stronger she shout loudly .Her powers was now everywhere all things which was near by Meia start to float in air Saira also started to float in air.
Saira :Meia control on your powers see what you are doing.
Meia's eyes was glowing.
Meia :What i do i don't know. I don't know how to stop it. Please go from here maybe i hurt you.
Then suddenly all things get a push Saira also Meia was just trying to make away Saira from her. Continuously Meia was pushing Saira. Now Saira was not in good mood.
Saira :You are making like fight stop if you can't stop you self then i have to stop you.
Saira use her power she give a strong push to Meia. Saira was trying to take Meia to the science lab but Meia don't want to go there. Meia was trying to make Saira stop Meia start to throw big things on Saira. Now Saira was doing double work she was protecting her self and pushing Meia to wards Science laboratory .Now Saira was really using her powers a lot Saira was having a pain now. It was important that she stopped to use her power and do rest she knows but then also she was just thinking about Meia.
Saira :Now it is enough's I have to use my all power.
Saira use her all powers. In a second she raped Meia by metal rods and took her to the lab when they reached there Saira faint scientist took both of them inside. When Saira get up she found Meia near by her bed and all her friends and family members.
Now Meia is Okay scientist gave her some medicine because of it now she is fine.
Meia :Saira you are my real friend just because of you now i am here.
Saira :I am happy that now you are okay.
Vie :Now make me please understand.
Saira :My age was 7 when i get these powers and change. My body easily accept this change. From a long time i am practicing to control my powers and emotion but today i used my powers a lot because of it i became so week. Meia was not able to control her emotions because of it her power also get over control. It's not easy to control these powers. Meia need practice and training. Vie i know it's weird i am asking you just now but you want to go on a date with me.
Everyone starts to laugh. Now everything right Meia talk to his grandfather now she have no problem. Everyday she went laboratory for power practice with Saira. Saira is so happy now. Now she understood life big truth.


© Smile