

The tribrid: Chapter seven
"Yes my beloved sister, it's me your dearest big brother, ain't you happy to see me?" He asked with a happy expression stick to his face, as his left eyebrows raised.

My whole body became numb, couldn't feel a thing. My whole existence I have only love and care for one man which is my brother, I put him before myself, always.

"H- how could you? I mean what harm have I ever caused you?" I asked as I felt the stinging pain of tears in my eyes.

"Quit it Lyana, don't be melodramatic, even after all the powers you had and maybe still have, you couldn't figure out a thing you know why?" He asked as he walked closer to me smiling devilishly.

I couldn't give any reply, because all strength in me vanished to the unknown, words stuck in my air tube.

"Okay let me do the favor of telling you that also. Remember when I got you that ruby bracelet that you loved so much?" He said as he said that memories cane flooding back inside my head as I remembered the way the atmosphere was, even though I had so many responsibilities to fulfill but when it comes to brother, I behaved like a baby, just like a baby sister behaves.

"Oh yeah, seems you have remembered, so that bracelet isn't a normal bracelet, it's a magical bracelet specially made for my dearest sister, it extracts your magical power to predict the future. Just like you're special, the one chosen by goddess Valtra, your bracelet is also same, the only stone found in the Yethras forest." He said and I felt a freezing current passed my whole body. Feelings I couldn't explain passed within me without any restrictions.

"It's time to be who you are, do not get soft for no one, for they would all betray you just like Dhar." Avi stated, the coldness and anger attach to her words, I can feel it.

Before I could get a hold of my anger, I stretched out my hands and that familiar blue flame came out of my palm and burnt a part of Carmen's arm, and then I brought my hands down.

"Since you have turned what was left between us into enemity, then so be it. And let me remind you my beloved elder brother Carmen I hold the ultimate power, because like you said I have blessed by goddess Valtra, and I promise you I won't attack you from the back, but from the front." I said to him as I felt all the emotions in me vanished, my tears became cold as the stopped falling.

"Oh dearest sister, you think it's me alone who wants to take you down, not at all, you've got many enemies than you can think of and one of them is king Ta-."


I jacked up from my bed, panting and sweating profusely. What was this dream about, and Carmen, h- how can, no, no, no, it's no possible.

"Cevia, I need your presence." And before I could blink an eye she appeared before me.

"Cevia, I need you to explain what just happened in my dreams, because I'm going insane..... I mean crazy." I rephrased the word insane because as I said it she looked at me with a weird expression.

"I'm sorry Lyana but I wouldn't be able to do that, your dreams are limited to you alone because you're not a normal human, your powers are extraordinary."

"I guess....."

"I have a way of fastening your memory, which would be done when we reach the park."

"Yeah, please I really need to remember everything."


"My lady, Tagya is at waiting for you, at the Royal garden." A maid came into Leona's room and told me, as I was still dressing.

"I would be there." I said as I tried to style my hair.

"Okay my lady."

As I reached the Royal garden, I saw an elderly man, with grey white hair, his beards are a bit long. He held a tea cup in his hand sipping it.

"Tagya?" I called out.

"Yes, my lady." He replied dropping the cup.

"So, tell me has any elf entered the kingdom? Because there has been a report of the killings of ladies in the kingdom, and we all know that the ladies are powerful but have one weakness which is the Clisteral stone, and the Clisteral stone can only be taken from the Surdan forest by elf's, so I need answers, because you're the guardian of that forest."

"Well, my lady I haven't sensed any elf's for over fifty decades, but seventy decades ago, I was able to sniff the soul of an elf in the kingdom but since then I haven't seen nor sniffed any elf."

"Okay, the Surdan forest would have to be sealed forever, I would talk to Zervien.....I mean the emperor."

"Okay, my lady."

"You can leave now." I said and with that he left.

There's something going on, and I need to find out, because the Clisteral stone can be taken by only the elf's from the Surdan forest due to goddess Valtra's blessings upon this kingdom. As far as I know, I can smell the something wrong, and I would get to the root of it all.

"Cevia, we need to leave for the park."

"Of course Lyana."

© kaya N