

Balcony Story
Balcony Story

She got her coffee ready, picked up her Fifty Shades of Grey, wrapped herself in a blankie and headed towards her balcony.
She sat in her hamock, swinging slowly, and started the novel, which she was going to finish today.
The lockdown was hard in the beginning, but then she got used to it. Her balcony, the view from there, the fresh air, kept her realising that she was safe and alive.
Her family was in lockdown back in her hometown, and she was here in the city, by herself.
Friends were there ; on video calls.
She really wished for a company and so had to find one among novels.

While she was busy reading the novel, she heard someone whistling; from the balcony of the apartment to her right? Wow. Surprise!
She slowly stood up, and saw a guy, wearing headphones, whistling to some song. She stood there and stared him for good 2-3 mins when the guy finally noticed her and stopped abruptly, being startled.
She hadn't seen anyone there since the lockdown had started, so it was a complete surprise for her.
And then she realised that she was staring at the guy for too long, and her cheeks flushed with embarrassment.
"Oh I'm sorry" she said.
"Oh Hi!" said the guy.
"Oh.. Yeah.. Hi!" she said.
"I've never seen you here, I mean during the lockdown." said the guy.
"Well I WAS here all the time, it's just that I only recently made my balcony a picnic spot, so that's why.
I also have never seen you before here." she said.
"Yea, I was in self isolation." answered the guy.
"OKkk. Taking lockdown super seriously. Good." said the girl.
"Yes. It has to be." said the guy.
And both were passing smiles.
"So.. You are into reading novels?" asked the guy.
"Not that much, but recently? Yes." answered the girl.
"Would you mind if I ask what novel is it?" the guy asked.
"Umm.. Well.. It's.. Fifty Shades of Grey" answered the girl, blushing.
"Oh wow! That's great! One of my favourites also. So where have you reached untill now?" asked the guy.
"Oh really? Wow. Well.. I'm about to finish this one, but sadly I don't have the second part." said the girl.
"Seriously! Now that's a bummer. But not when I'm here." said the guy, grinning.
"What do you mean?" asked the girl.
"Well, as I said that it's one of my favourites, so I have read it a couple of times, the whole story, can you believe this?" said the boy.
"Okk... So???"asked the girl.
" I've got the Darker one. " answered the boy,winking.
" Seriously! "exclaimed the girl.
" Not just this, I've got the Freed also. Bingo! "said the guy.
" Oh My God! Oh My! "the girl was totally surprised and happy.
" So.. That means..... " said the girl.
" Yeah! I'll let you borrow them. "said the boy smiling.
" I don't know how to thank you! "said the girl.
" Na, you can thank me later, but first we need to figure one thing out? "said the boy.
"Figure out what?" asked the girl.
"How is the book going to reach you? I mean look at the distance. If I just toss it to you, there is high chance of losing it to the ground ." answered the boy.
"Oh damn it. I got so excited that I completely forgot the distance! So.. What do we do now?" said the girl.
"Let me think of something....Can't I just ring your doorbell and then hand it over to you?" asked the boy.
"Umm.. Sorry but that's not possible.. You know there are CCTVs in the corridor.. And if they see us getting in contact.. We both are done for sure." said the girl.
"Oh yeah, how can I forget that. Well... I have an idea... But it will work only if you agree to it." said the boy.
"What is it?"asked the girl.
" Wait a minute" said the boy and went inside.
A few moments later he came out with a ladder.
"So I'm gonna use this to come over there to you, give you the books and come back here. See. Easy. What you say?" said the boy.
"Are you crazy! You are worrying about the book to fall down and ignoring yourself! I'd rather let the book being tossed than see you hanging on some ladder, risking your life, just for the sake of a book. It's a big no!" said the girl.
"O. K..... Then, I think you should stop reading the first part also. It's no use and fun if you can't read the whole story." said the boy.
"I do want to!" exclaimed the girl "but I can't risk your life for that."
"See, that is not something very difficult for me. I will do it but only if you can trust me." said the boy.
"Are you... Sure?" asked the girl.
"Yes I am, dear." said the boy, smiling.
The girl thought something for a while and that said "OK fine. You bring the book here but first insure your safety. What I am saying is that you tie yourself with something like a rope, secure it's ends and then come here."
"Hahaha!" laughed the boy.
"Hey, what's funny!" asked the girl.
"No nothing." said the boy.
"No, tell me first." said the girl.
"What if you regret this decision of letting me come to you?" asked the boy.
"Heyy.. What is this now. It was you who persuaded me. And now you are saying this." said the girl.
"Hahaha never mind. OK so let's get the rope!"said the boy.
" FINE"said the girl.
A few minutes later the boy came back with a rope. He had tied one end to somewhere inside his apartment and then tied the other end securely around his waist.
"Happy now?" said the boy.
"Yes!" said the girl.
Then he placed the ladder over the two balconies, took the book and started crawling to the girl's side.
And then he was there, in the girl's balcony.
The girl took a deep breath of relief.

Suddenly they heard an ambulance rushing into their building complex.
"Why are they here?"asked the girl.
" Maybe to take some suspect with them. "said the boy.
" But I haven't heard of any suspects here so far."said the girl, wondering.
"Oh, let it be. Here you go." said the boy and handed the books to the girl.
"Thank you so much." said the girl, very happy.
"Let's have some coffee?" asked the girl.
"Umm. Ok." said the boy.
Suddenly they heard a doorbell.
"What was that?" asked the girl
"A.. Doorbell?" said the boy.
And then it rang again, and again.
Soon they realised that it was from the boy's apartment.
They both looked at each other.
"Someone is at your door?"asked the girl.
" Yes, I think so."said the boy.
" Think so? It IS for sure yours! "said the girl.
" Yes. You are right. So.. I think I should leave now. Ok? "said the boy.
" Yeah.. Hurry up! "said the girl.
And the boy quickly went back to his balcony and went inside.
Suddenly the girl hears loud voices, coming out of the boy's apartment.
" You thought you could hide in here forever and no one will ever know! "shouted someone.
" How many times do I have to tell you, I am FINE! " shouted the boy.
" Are you kidding me! Can't you see your results! It clearly says that YOU ARE POSITIVE!" shouted the man
" No! "shouted the boy.
" Oh my.. Oh my... P... POSITiVE! "whispered the girl in fear.
" Now tell me, have you been in contact with someone recently? "asked the man.
" Contact! "the girl was shaking in fear.
" No I haven't! "said the boy.
" Well, then it's no point arguing here. Guys, take him away."said the man. And they dragged the boy out.
Soon the ambulance could be heard going away.
The girl was in complete shock.

A few days later they came again and this time,took her away.

The End

- bani745