

Ones upon a time in a small village called Ewonda there lived a very poor boy called lyonga. he lived with his parents called Mr and Mrs Linonge . They were both farmers who had a very small piece of land. They were very poor that they could not afford good clothes or food . One day ,Lyonga told his mom that he wishes to go to school so Mrs Linonge had to look for a school for him. All the schools around the village were very expensive so she had to go far away to the neighboring village called Bonakanda. When she got one she gave part of the school fees. When she brought the news back home Lyonga was very happy. But when he asked "mummy where is the school located" and she said "at Bonakanda" . Lyonga's happiness slowly faded away. But his mom made him understand how much education is important in his life by telling him stories like "the city of theories" which help him feel better. Every day, he had to treck for a distance of about 3km to school. Meanwhile in the village they usually fetch water from a stream call Ihname . Lyonga had to carry water every evening before going to bed. At school, he was very smart but when the exams begun he was sent away to go and tell his parents to complete his school fees. They had no money so he had to stay at home. While at home, he always read his books because he believed that one day he will resume school. One day he was going through his books and he read a " water pollution" . After detailed reading her ran to his mom to tell her that the water from the stream is contaminated and they should not drink it again. And his mom told him that they had no choice. Then he returned to to read his books and moved to another topic"Large Scale Water Treatment For Household Use". He reads through and screams "hey" and called for his mom to tell her what he had read . She was also happy but doubt if it will work. Lyonga told his mom not to worry but pleaded with her if he could use one of their buckets to make a sand filter and she agreed. He made a sand filter, brought some water and filtered it . After filtering the water, he puts it in a pot and boils it because he had no money to buy chlorine. And they started using the water. After a year, the stream water became a bit darker but people kept using it . The water became too dirty so people who kept drinking it were I'll expect for lyonga's family who were strong and healthy. many people died as a result of of drinking contaminated water . Many had so many water bone diseases and were very weak . The chief was also weak and when he heard that Lyonga and his family were very much healthier, he invited them to come and give him the herbs they used to cure the disease and if it works he was going to reward them . On hearing this, they were scared because they were not taking any herbs. That night, he searched his books and arrived at a topic"natural medicines" then he saw that the disease caused by drinking dirty water is cholera so he prepared a medicine for cholera and took it to the palace. When the king saw how small lyonga is he at first he chased him away but had no choice but to take the medicine. Few days later the chief was relieved and summoned all the villagers to give his testimony . But they could not come because they were not ok . The chief pleaded with Lyonga to help his people . He went round the village treating people and they took him like their idol who was sent to to heal them . He never went to the rich houses because they never did anything good for the village instead, they preferred to build mansions and abandon them, create industries they don't locate well to exploit them and pollute the environment. He also recall that the rich always told the poor that they were useless. All this made him reluctant to help them . But his parents adviced him to help them no matter how proud they might have been. So he helped them and they tried to reward him but he refused and left. After some time, people were sick again because they kept drinking dirty water. Lyonga with his kind heart treated them once again and ask them to look for material to build a sand filter . The villagers did not know what is a sand filter and what it is used for. They all sang his praises and rushed Ones upon a time in a small village called Ewonda there lived a very poor boy called lyonga. he lived with his parents called Mr and Mrs Linonge . They were both farmers who had a very small piece of land. They were very poor that they could not afford good clothes or food . One day ,Lyonga told his mom that he wishes to go to school so Mrs Linonge had to look for a school for him. All the schools around the village were very expensive so she had to go far away to the neighboring village called Bonakanda. When she got one she gave part of the school fees. When she brought the news back home Lyonga was very happy. But when he asked "mummy where is the school located" and she said "at Bonakanda" . Lyonga's happiness slowly faded away. But his mom made him understand how much education is important in his life by telling him stories like "the city of theories" which help him feel better. Every day, he had to treck for a distance of about 3km to school. Meanwhile in the village they usually fetch water from a stream call Ihname . Lyonga had to carry water every evening before going to bed. At school, he was very smart but when the exams begun he was sent away to go and tell his parents to complete his school fees. They had no money so he had to stay at home. While at home, he always read his books because he believed that one day he will resume school. One day he was going through his books and he read a " water pollution" . After detailed reading her ran to his mom to tell her that the water from the stream is contaminated and they should not drink it again. And his mom told him that they had no choice. Then he returned to to read his books and moved to another topic"Large Scale Water Treatment For Household Use". He reads through and screams "hey" and called for his mom to tell her what he had read . She was also happy but doubt if it will work. Lyonga told his mom not to worry but pleaded with her if he could use one of their buckets to make a sand filter and she agreed. He made a sand filter, brought some water and filtered it . After filtering the water, he puts it in a pot and boils it because he had no money to buy chlorine. And they started using the water. After a year, the stream water became a bit darker but people kept using it . The water became too dirty so people who kept drinking it were I'll expect for lyonga's family who were strong and healthy. many people died as a result of of drinking contaminated water . Many had so many water bone diseases and were very weak . The chief was also weak and when he heard that Lyonga and his family were very much healthy so he invited them to come and give him the herbs they used to cure the disease . On hearing this they were scared because they didn't use any herbs . That night, Lyonga searched his books until he came to a topic "natural medicines" since he knew that it was because of dirty water and the disease caused by drinking dirty water is cholera so he prepared a medicine for cholera and took it to the palace. When the king saw how small lyonga was, at first he chased him away but had no choice but to take the medicine. After a few days he was relieved and summoned all the villagers to give his testimony. But they could not come because they were not ok. The chief pleaded with Lyonga to help his people. He went round the village treating people and they said he was their idol who was sent to heal them. He never went to rich houses because they never did anything to help the villagers but instead, they preferred to build mansions and abandon them, create industries in the village to exploit them and pollute the environment. All this made him reluctant to help them. But his parents adviced him to help them no matter how proud they might have been. So he helped them and they tried to reward him but he refused and left their houses. After some time, people were sick again because they kept drinking dirty water. Lyonga and his kind heart treated them once again and ask them to look for materials to build a sand filter. The villagers did not know what it is and what it is used for. They all sang his praises and rushed to get their materials ready. After they were done, Lyonga started to build from the chief palace moving right up to the last house. After two weeks he was done. And now they asked him how is it used and he said "just pour your water into it and put a bucket below the sand filter collect clean water then add a bit of chlorine or boil the water to remove impurities ". They villagers shouted with joy "wuuuuuuuuuuuu" . They celebrated and called him a true son of the land. The chief seeing such qualities in such a young boy decided to sponsor his education and build a more befitting house for them. Lyonga did not have to trek for long distances again. He continued to make the village proud of him. Slowly and slowly the village became the most developed amongst the others. The chief sat on his arm chair, took a moment of reflection and said " Health is Wealth". The rich men sat in their wine bar , took a sip of wine and said "No one is useless". while Mr and Mrs Linonge took a deep breath and said "finally the poor and useless family became useful and famous". And all this things happened all thanks to education.