

It's Over
He stood there, frozen, even when everyone had left, leaving attendees barely giving him a glance. The ceremony had been short, but it told him all that he needed to know. Why didn't anyone tell him?

He let out a snort as he remembered something someone told him a long time ago.

"Let's be together. Forever!"

A sceptical as he was he only looked over at his best friend.

"Forever is a long time, you sure you can put up with me for that long?"

As sceptical as he still was about that silent promise, he was still naive enough to believe in it.

So how did it come to this?

A figure watches him from the darkness, face hidden by the shadow of a building they were standing under.

"I told you your foolishness will be the end." They said, voice tinged with something undefined.
© Glitchbit