

Finding home
Ivory and Ivy rode all around town looking for a car for Ivy. They spent their drive talking about small things how she wanted to live. Sis you don't have to find nowhere to live you have a place consider it's yours. Dr.Corey don't have to stay there you know. He can always stay at a hotel when he's here if you're uncomfortable with him there he said. It's not that anyway that will be me putting the man out of his own house I just need my own.
How's it look me living in a married man house. You forgot it's not only his house your brother owns half it's a rental house that we bought together for an investment that's all.
When did he tell you that he was married? I saw the picture of him and his family on his dresser she said. So you assumed that he is married did you ask him. No, so you saying he's not married. Sis I told you I'm not getting in that. If you want to know anything about Dr. Corey ask him.
Do you even talk to the man he asked? What did he say? Sis a man will let you know when he don't want you
Yeah but with me he only have to tell me one time and I'll move on.
Just once because I will never try to hold on to noone that don't want me.
Sound like you're scared of him or something. Look Ivory you don't have to tell me this. I've been around for a long time and watched all kind of people. Some have this self thing going on others live life the way life is supposed to be lived.
I don't confuse the two you know she said. Some still believe in fairy tales and fairytale well you know.
We are all different and your beliefs are your beliefs have all you want but don't try to force yours on me.
Back to Dr. Corey he said, Ivory I need my own place I want my own place there is nothing like your own.
I've been around men all my life I picked a profession that I had to be with them almost 24/7.
Thousand of men and out of those thousands just one 1. Dr Corey is that one he's has everything that a woman looks for I a man. A woman can't stop it it's like a magnet. Her body it just knows whether he's there or not her body her soul her spirit it just want him.
It has nothing to do with looks it's the man he sweet so calm, cool, and smooth as hell. That kinda man just draws a woman in like a magnet.
And if anybody think a woman can just forget a gorgeous like that then you don't know what a man is.
Dam Sis you got it bad he said.
I've only known him for a short time but I already want him. And if I stay you can forget about him leaving.

© kikit