

Nobody Told Her Thee Story
The winds screams his name in the middle of the night the anger
yells before you
as he wants his way
So you say. I can get away
but he is always there in the way.
But if you in your car you can roll
up your windows in the auto care
parking lot an he will pass your car.
And the winds are so strong that they
pull a branch all in the sky to try to
bust the windows of the car and have you trying to drive away. So you get
away but he still yells at you
I thought he was no more that bad ghost
but he still walks the halls of your life trying
to get blood out of a turnip
but you are all drained you don't have much left cause it's been other alive people harassing you. So you do what you can cause you understand but you
still run cause he can still get you so you run in the house and get away from that
ghost knocking at your windows.
You try to hide in your bathroom but
some bathrooms have windows and he
is there yet again not taking no for an
answer or underling that you will not be
haunted but you look on to see the shadows of his rage. And you become a ghost yourself and fly out your body and the window and you turn in to wind jyst like his howling. Which you heard now
you are a ghost and a cold fright of a body hits the floor and it rocks the town
like an earthquake and all don't see that
you are now trapped in there world by
just being chased by the winds of ghost
who are hear an no one spoke about the
old tale of the Voice Ghost in the night
Noooooooooooooooooooooooo it crys
in the night nooooooooooo It flus in the
sounds and air to get you and it has no
regard for your stand. from you get got
on the spot by the horror of it all
And no place is safe not even your room or bathroom.
© Lash