

Mystified Love Of August (ch#5)
yesterday was very rough. should I can Aria to come up so we can have some fun and my mind gets distracted from thoughts of yesterday?
why isn't she picking up?
I should text her.
Me: Hi Aria! what's up girl?
she replied almost after 15 minutes.
Aria: Everything's cool. how's your university going Alessia?
Me: Don't ask!!!
I didn't want to tell her what happened there because if I did she would tell Alex and he will kill Eric for touching me. He is my best friend and always used to teas me but on the other hand, he took care of me a lot too.
Aria: what happened?? Is something going wrong in there?
Me: No! No! it was just very tiring.
Aria: are you sure?
Me: yeah! 100% SURE
Aria: Ok! If you say so
Me: can you come over I want to hang out a little.
Aria: I wish I could but I'm getting ready to go to Ellen's place. His parents invited me for having dinner with them.
Aria: Sorry Alessia! if you had just told me yesterday I wouldn't have said yes to them. I can still cancel my dinner, anything for you. after all you are my Best friend.

She is even ready to cancel her special dinner with his future in-laws just for me. she is my best friend I'm lucky to have her. But I can't ruin her day it's about her whole life. I will hang out with someone else, But I don't have other friends. I think I might have to call Alex if I want to make my mood better.
Me: no need for that. Enjoy your dinner with your future in-laws ;)
Aria: Haha! Thanks :)
ok so it's time to text
Me: Alex are you free today I wanna hang out.
Alex: well I'm with some of my friends...
Me: Ohh it's fine. We can hang out later.
Alex: Oh! No! No! We can hang out today too. I will ditch my friends for you. it's been a long time since we didn't meet and I miss teasing you.
Me: don't exaggerate yourself.
Alex: I'm serious. I will be there in 10 minutes.
Me: let's see
10 minutes later
Knock^ knock^
Someone's on my door. is it Alex?? how can he come at the exact time? I should open the door.
it's him, Alex.
"Aren't you happy after seeing me?" He said while entering and smiling at me.
"Not much" I replied sarcastically.
"ok so I'm going back" he made a sad face.
"you! Dumbass go if you want but don't ever. come here again." I again said sarcastically.
"I'm not going anywhere, you asked for a hangout, and now I will only go after hanging out with you."
he told me while behaving like a little child.
"As your wish" I nod
"Now go get ready! we are getting late." He said in hurry.
I don't know where we are going and how should i dress. I should ask Alex for his opinion. What if he makes fun of me, doesn't matter even if I don't ask him he will still make fun so it's better to ask.
"Hey! Alex. what should I wear? The blue one or the black" asked Alex
He replied
"Black one suits you more but you should wear blue today. By the way, when did you buy this girlish type of clothes."
"I bought them for my university but didn't wear them yet because I was uncomfortable before and I thought that I should try wearing them with you guys and after taking your opinion I will decide if I'm going to wear them or not."
I replied
"Ah! that's great. now Change it so I can give my opinion."
He says confidently.
Did he reply to me normally or he is sick I mean he always laughs whenever I bought girlish clothes but he wasn't like that today maybe he is planning to make fun of me after I get change.
I get changed and wear slippers with a blue simple plain short frok. I tied my hair up and make a bun. Then I walked towards Alex. he is busy on his mobile and doesn't know I'm standing in front of him.
"Alex! how do I look like? pretty right?"
I asked him making a cute face as I know he is going to say something funny.
He looked at me and then look at my dress and my slippers and then he stared at me continuously for 2 minutes. I thought maybe he is planning something In his head.
"Alex! I asked something" I shout
"Oh yeah! what? sorry!" He replied shockingly.
"you are looking... gorgeous,"
he said in slow motion.
"But.... " he says and I interrupted him.
"But what? is something wrong?" I asked hesitantly.
"Nothing! it's just your hair.. " he stopped.
"My hair what?"
"You should open your bun," he said
I opened my bun and all my hairs get open and I was trying to make a ponytail. He interrupts
"let it be open. You are looking much pretty like that."
I nod.
I don't know what's going on today why is he replying to me like that? I mean it's not like that I don't like it but it's a little bit weird.
"let's gooo!" said Alex in excitement
I laugh and we both went down to my apartment.
I wanted to ask him where we were headed but I couldn't as he put my favorite music on in the car and we both were vibing on it.
he stopped the car in Infront of the shopping mall.
"Are we going shopping?? seriously," I asked
"Yes! can't we?" he replied
"yeah, but I didn't have money for shopping now," I said
"Don't worry we aren't going to buy anything expensive. we will just roam around and will buy some chocolates." he said funnily
"ohk then let's go in." I replied
we went in there and roam around a lot almost more than an hour. we see the price tags on the things we like and just pretend like we don't like them and laugh a lot. it was hilarious to do so. we go out of the shopping mall without buying anything except for my favorite chocolates. And now we decide to go to the ice cream shop for some ice cream. We eat chocolate ice cream and we talked a lot about our childhoods, our school life, our funs and a lot more. I almost forgot that I was upset and worried. we went to the park in the evening for a walk, which is located in from of the sea, it has a great view of the sea and you can see the sunset clearly from there. So we stayed there to watch the sunset and enjoyed the view. we took a few pictures and played music and watched the sunset.
After watching the sunset Alex suggested watching a movie and then going to a movie theater. He suggests watching a romantic movie but I refused him because it's weird to watch a romantic movie with your guy best friend. So we decided to watch a horror or a movie full of thrillers.
We bought the tickets and while we were buying the tickets I saw Eric with some of his friends. I got scared as he was continuously staring at me with his fierce eyes but then he walked out of the theater and I felt relieved.
I wasn't scared because he was here but what if Alex find out about the things that happened yesterday, he will kill him. It sounds like I'm his girlfriend but best friends do care about each other more than anyone else.
We go to the theater waiting for the movie to get started. It seems like Alex noticed the sudden change in my behavior but I hope he doesn't ask anything.
"Alessia. what happened?" he asked in a calming voice.
the way he asked me I wanted to tell him everything but I couldn't.
"No! nothing." I said
"it's okay if you don't want to talk about it. But you can tell me whenever you want. I will always be here to listen to you, no one matters more than you to me." He comforted me
his voice is so calm and helped me relax. His words give me comfort. His soft voice directly went into my heart. I wonder when he becomes such a gentleman. his so much care was making me feel a little bit weird but I ignore that feeling.
we watched the movie together and we talked a lot in the theater people even scold us for speaking continuously so we laugh and decided to sit quietly for time being.
The movie ended and we move out and then started to laugh again. some people were staring at us maybe they are thinking who these idiots are who are laughing after coming out of the thriller horror movie?
I almost forgot that I was scared and worried. Spending time with him always made me forget about my worries. I never share what's going on in my life much but he always makes my mood better by making funny jokes or doing something silly. When we are together we are always like a five-year-old kid who doesn't know what's going on but just likes to laugh. I know sometimes we seem weird but that's what our friendship makes more special.
we are both getting in the car and it's almost 11 p.m. I thought now we will go back home but he asked for a long drive and I said why not because it's my favorite thing of mine and we almost drive for more than one hour and now we decided to go back home. He drops me off at my apartment.
"Hey! Alessia. listen!"
He gave me a voice and I stopped after hearing him and turn back he was standing and then he come towards me and said;
"If you wanna hang out again just call me. I'm just a call away from you. Nothing matters to me more than you and you know that."
"Thanks for always being there whenever I needed someone," I replied calmly.
"Always here for you," He said.
"Now don't flatter yourself go upstairs and sleep. And please don't dream about me" he says funnily.
"Do you really think I can dream about you? Why would I? When I have my prince charming to have fun with me" I replied sarcastically.
"who's your prince charming? Is he zain? Yeah, he must be. After all, he was your only crush." Said Alex.
"I'm not going to tell you. Get lost!" I replied to Alex and then I went to my apartment.
It was a great day today. I enjoyed it a lot, it was my first time going out with him alone. At first, I was nervous but then his presence made me so comfortable around him. He did a lot of funny stuff and said a lot of silly jokes. I wonder why he didn't find a girlfriend yet. He is a great guy with a beautiful heart. Maybe he didn't find his perfect match, but he will find out soon I'm sure. Every girl likes a funny, respected gentleman. The day went well with him.
I forget that I sent an email to that secret admirer of mine. I should check it maybe he did reply to me.
My sweetie Alessia,

Thanks for understanding me. I will reveal myself to you soon so don't just wait for me enjoy your life, I'm somewhere around you.

Sweetie you don't have to be afraid of anyone. You are much stronger than anyone I have ever met. You are such a gorgeous brave girl. You don't have to be afraid of anyone and assures you that he won't hurt you. He isn't as bad as he looked so you don't have to worry about it. Still, if you ever feel like he would hurt you just let me know I'm available for you 24/7 and you can trust me with all your heart.

And speaking of him you don't need to take off just because of him. One day is enough and also he didn't come today maybe because he felt guilty for what he did but I'm sure he won't be doing much from now on so if you wanna take rest to refresh your mind so you can but if you just wanted to take off so you can't face him it's just like becoming a coward and I know you are not a coward. You should face him and let him know that you aren't afraid of him not even a little.

I know you are so beautiful and brave so no one can resist themselves to flirt with you and it might be the reason he did that too. You are such an amazing thing that happened on this planet. I'm glad and thankful to your parents to bring such a beautiful daughter into this world. I'm sure your parents must have been proud of you.

Let me know about your hobbies and other things. What do you like the most? What do you want to do in the future? What's your dream? What kind of guy's you like? How many boys you have dated before? What's your favorite movie? What do you do in your free time? And everything about you. I wanna know each and every little detail about you. Finally, you have got a way to answer my letters so now you can tell me everything.

Please tell me everything I'm dying to know about your life, your day, your hobbies, your passion, your dreams, and much more.

Take care of yourself and especially take care of your beautiful soul sweetie, it's rare to find.

Lover of Alessia. 🖤

Why this text has to be so touching? OMG the words he used for me I can't tell how much that makes my heart flutter. No one ever gave me butterflies just by his words but he is an exception. He is such a talented guy with an amazing vocabulary of beautiful words that can make any girl's heart flutter. I wish I can meet him in real. I don't even know who is he and which semester he is in and what degree he is pursuing. Maybe I should ask him. It would be a lot easier to find him like that. He wants to know everything about me I'm afraid to tell him what are the things I like as a girl because not all the things I like ks girlish as I already said I'm not a very girly type of girl.

Well, It's always Great reading his email. It always lightens my mood. Well my mood wasn't that bad today and the credit goes to Alex, he had me forget about all the things that happened to me yesterday but it takes only one glance at Eric to ruin all the best moments I was having with Alex. But thankfully he helped me out forget all the things and I ended up being happy all day long.
I will write him tomorrow i am literally very tired today and just wanted to have a good sleep.
© Soul🥀