

When Things Get You Out Of Your Mind,Always Take A Minute To Stop And Enjoy The Sunflowers!
My best friend Beau always used to tell me,that there is always a light at the end of the tunnel no matter how dark that tunnel may be.He would tell me that no matter how bad I thought my life was there was always someone out there that had it worse than me.Which of course I know he was right,but I also know that life doesn't get better unless you get up and take the steps to make it better.I learned that lesson the hard way.You see 22 years ago I was in a very bad relationship.To say that I was a victim of domestic violence would be an understatement.He beat me so bad once that he almost killed me,but thank god for my adrenaline kicking in and I was able to flip him off of me.Being that I was six months pregnant,I quickly left the house in the middle of the night with my one year old son and didn't look back.That experience made me a stronger person though,so even though it was a bad situation I still came away with positive prospective.Then on September 11,2001 just two years after I had my second son.I was supposed to be in Massachusettes for a friends from high schools wedding,but alas I was pregnant with my daughter.I was considered a high risk pregnancy since I had miscarried a few times prior to this.So my doctor would not let me fly,needless to say the flight that I was booked to be on that day was the second plane that hit the south tower of The World Trade Center.I always say that my daughter Destiny was my guardian angel...