

Ahimsa Parmo Dharma
We don't always need to use force or violent to achieve a certain result. Often, a friendly and cooperative approach yeilds better results. This method of bringing about a change without using force or harming others is known as non-violence or ahimsa in Sanskrit. Our ancient texts teach us Ahimsa Parmo Dharma,which means that non-violence is our ultimate dharma or duty.

Shantaram's Dream
Once there lived a poor man named Shantaram in a small village. Every day , he would wake up at dawn, perform his puja at the village temple and then sit under the banyan tree outside the temple. He greeted passers-by with a smile and a namaste. Sometimes, the villagers would ask him to perform certain rituals for them and offer him some food in return. On other days, he would you just eat prasad from the temple.

Shantaram loved to spend time with the temple's cow and would bathe tgem in the river every day.

One night, the temple deity appeared in his dream and said,'Shantaram, I see you toil every day. I want to reward you. Tomorrow, when you go to the river, lead one cow deep into the river and leave it there. When you go back you will find a pot with gold.

Shantaram woke up with a startle. He could hear the temple bell ringing. He quickly got up and began his morning chores. All through the day he kept thinking of his dream and pondered about what the deity had said.

Next moring, he took the cows to the river. He was bathingbthem and calling out to tgem with there names that he had lovingly given to each.

'Come, Sumitra, let me scrub you clean'.
'Come, come my little Rani. Don't stray too far'.

Suddenly, he saw one of his cows wading deeper into the river, where the rocks were slippery. He quickly swam and brought it back to the riverbank safely.

Next day, at the temple, Shantaram was chanting his prayers, eyes closed. The temple deity appeared in the front of his eyes.

'Why did you not carifice the cow?' asked the deity.

'But how could I'? wailed Shantram . 'What harm has the cow done that she deserved to be drowned? Harming her or any innocent being would cause me pain too!. I would never do that not even for a pot of gold'.

The deity was pleased. She gently said,'Well done, my dear Shantaram! I was testing you. Keep practising the virtue of ahimsa as devotedly as you are doing now. My blessings will always shower on you. Also, go and teach the villagers this virtue and lead tgem to tgem path of ahimsa.

When the villagers heard this incident, they made Shantaram the caretaker of the temple. They built him a small house beside the temple and made sure he ate a good meal every single day.

Moral of the Story : We should uphold the principles of non-violence.

#Aarika's #non-violence #Dream

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