

second chance
Does life give us a second chance? The race had begun and he/she wondered if he/she would win this time round.

Yes life gives us second chance we should wait for a perfect time when time comes you should grab your opportunity

When life gives you a second chance,
To break the bars of cage,
When life gives you a second chance,
Just grab it
and kill all uncertainties!

When life gives you a second chance,
Leave the world behind,
When paths once crossed, missed by chance,
Destiny presents a second dance.

Forgiveness blooms in hearts once scarred,my life was consumed with desolation.

Opportunity rarely knocks on your door. Knock rather on opportunity’s door if you ardently wish to enter

We all have big changes in our lives that are more or less a second chance
I wanted nothing more than to end my life;

To finally pursue and succeed suicide,
but something inside me said
'No you can't Give your life
a second chance
People do make mistakes and I think they should be punished.

But they should be forgiven and given the opportunity for a second chance.
We are human beings.

As second chances become unbarred.
Learning from past take a chance,
This fantasy becomes a beautiful story

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