

Losing someone close (Part 1)
It was the beginning of that worst year which bring sadness for me. 2k16 March, 1 I got a news at 2 a.m that my maternal grandpa is no more. It was more than a huge heavy box of saddness I was feeling restless, unable to cry because I was the most loving kid of my grandpa. I was the one who is the queen of the house with my nanu. My biggest supporter, my lifeline he is no more. I wanted to cry aloud but I wasn't because my mom has lost her dad. I have to be somehow strong. I went to see my nanu for the last time with shivering body. I was not able to understand what should I do? Should I cry? Then the sound of ambulance enters the street & my heart stops, within a second I started crying like hell. I fall down lost all my body left untouched on the floor. Somehow I managed to see him for the last time. I kept quiet sitting beside him looking his face thousands of questions was running into my mind which has no answers now.

It was nothing than a worst year for me which took my nanu from me forever and ever.

but this was not the end of my sorrow. It's just the beginning.

Next part will tell you more about what happens next...