

*PART 19*

(Love Pranks and Surprises)

Glorious morning. Seza was finding it difficult to get out of her bed. Unfortunately, things got much worse; Seza's health was not good. She was not able to concentrate on her studies and projects like before. She went to her teammates for help. Some of the girls (who used to admire Artav) started showing off their jerky attitudes towards her in the form of jealousy because Seza was with Artav. Seza felt so bad about it.
By the time Artav came by and saved her with his little smile. Even though they both had different topics, Artav managed to do all her project works (that was the cutest part). Seza was very kind and supportive. She helped people and tried to find a way to heal their pains and just help them get through tough experiences. Artav really loved that part of her. Sometimes Artav used to scold her for being too kind to those harsh girls. But she never did the same thing as they did to her. So when Artav saw her crying after school, his heart got broken. But he was unable to do anything because Seza told Artav to let it go.
The love they shared was unconditional. The feeling started growing and growing. Gradually, it increased with every second of life. For Seza, his presence always brightened her days and nights. His odor made her vulnerable. His eyes made her drowsy. He was neither a normal person nor a trendsetter but a special one for whom she had waited for a long time. She considered herself lucky to have his love, which was as pure as the purest beat of her living heart, every byte of which beat for him.
Artav loved Seza very much. Listening to her feelings towards him made him so emotional. He usually knelt down there with a choked heart. Guys don't normally cry, but that day he soaked his pillow with tears. He always used to burst out his emotions, saying, "I have nothing else to give you other than my love, for eternity and beyond." Their promises and love were pure, true, and loyal. Seza's worries were cut in half as Artav had taken away all her worries, from school assignments to her personal matters; everything was sorted by Artav.
One afternoon, Artav was at Seza's place. They were on the balcony, sitting together, sipping coffee, and talking about their future. Meanwhile, Artav noticed something from the balcony. He pulled Seza's head and asked her to look straight towards his finger point. Seza saw a building and was amazed at seeing Artav's expression. She asked him about the building, and he said that it was his house. Seza was shocked because she hadn't noticed it before. She used to sit there every day, but her eyes had never caught that building. She was happy, thinking that whenever she missed him, she could gaze at his building and feel satisfied.
A few hours later, Artav left for his house. Seza kept on staring at the building, lost in thought. That night during their phone call, Artav asked Seza to come out of her room and see his building from her balcony. Seza went to her balcony and saw the building. She could make out a light moving continuously. She asked Artav about it, and he said it was his phone flashlight from his room. Seza felt happy; she felt like they were together, and she could sense his presence. She loved it.
Seza was fond of surprises, and Artav knew it very well. So, he always surprised her with beautiful things. One day after school, Seza got a call from Artav, saying that he had gotten into an accident near her home. Seza panicked and literally cried over the phone. She started shivering, her body became cold, and her voice got stuck in her throat. With tear-filled eyes, without caring about her night suit, she hurriedly ran towards the place Artav had mentioned. It was just next to her house, an uncrowded road. She reached Artav, held him in her arms, and cried loudly. She was so scared and panicked, she was crying hard. With a trembling voice, she asked Artav, "What happened? Is everything okay? Are you fine?" Artav just nodded. Seza was still nervous, nearly having an anxiety attack.
Artav couldn't see Seza in that condition anymore. He apologized for the prank. He said that he did the prank of the accident just to surprise her, that he was actually alright, and no accidents had taken place. Seza didn't shout at him, she didn't scold him, and she wasn't angry. Instead, she was shivering, sweaty, and continuously weeping. Artav comforted her and said, "It was just a prank, baby! Don't worry; I am fine. I never imagined that you would react this way. I got chills seeing you like this. I love you, and I promise I will never do it again. Please forgive me!" Seza, after drinking the water, became calm and thanked God that it was only a prank. In that moment, Artav felt that Seza was something to treasure, her innocence was just cute, and he felt that her love was so powerful that he was powerless against it. He felt regret for the pranks. Artav hugged her and calmed her. As she returned to normal, Seza asked him why he had pranked her. With a puppy face, he replied, "Actually, I was longing to see you, and if I had called you randomly, I was sure you would deny. So, I came up with pranks. I am sorry." He wiped the tears from his eyes. Seza felt pity for him and, with a cute smile, she hugged him.
It was the first time they went for a night drive in his car. With music on, cold weather, and an open highway, it was the best feeling ever. Suddenly, their favorite song played, "Forever's on Your Side." Both looked into each other's eyes and smiled. Silently, a promise for forever was made.