

is it me you are looking for ?
now i an getting angry
is this my story
a miracle born in this world
cancer, healed
was the best day of her parents life when she was born
ir is it my story?
who decides
what is good and what is wrong
started doing drugs
now this
what does it mean
whose fault it is
is it just casual
or is it a nightmare and a curse ?
i don't know
i know now
now is not good
now is screaming for help
fighting for life
is it the drugs
drugs drugs drugs
i can't read you anymore
i don't understand Peaple anymore
was it just an accident ?
cant go back now
was it that lsd trip
is it a curse ?
is it my mind broke and i am dying in a million ways ?
need to get out here
i am getting help
but i am scared
sometjing wrong with my brain ?
no enough.......
same shit for 6 years now
will the rest of my life be like this
will i die in the next 3 years
I'm scared.
tommorow i talk
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