

Zora The Mighty Warrior Part 2
Soon both started travelling with their Horses. While riding the horses Zora looked towards Tiana. “ I have a question" he said with a smile. “ what" she asked with a face without expression. “I know that you told Arom to stay in the Kingdom to protect the King and your people as you care about your father and your Kingdom a lot but I personally feel that this is not the only reason why you stopped Arom from travelling with me” he said with a smile. “what you mean? There is no any other reason" Tiana replied with a smile. “there is" Zora replied. “then what it is” she asked with smile. “the second reason is that you wanted to spend time with me and be with me, am I not right" Zora asked with a smile. “ are you not being too much fast and why would I even think of spending time with you" Tiana asked with a Mysterious smile. This time Zora did not say anything but just smiled at her in return, she too smiled back and told him to concentrate on their journey. There was nothing to hide, it was clear that Tiana had started getting feelings for Zora right from the time he entered their Kingdom.
She liked his bravery also his honest attitude and being straight forward and fearless. And on the other hand it was also clear that Zora too had started getting feelings towards her, they continued their journey and after two days and two nights they were finally in Sowara mountains. “ and so from here the real journey begins" Zora said to Tiana in serious tone. “from here where we have to go" Tiana asked in a serious tone. “ we have to reach the top of the mountain, we have to live our horses here as they won’t be able to travel there" he replied. She agreed. Both came down from their horses, took both their swords in hand and started walking. As they walked they kept on looking at the forest , the forest looked very mysterious and scary, it gave them a feeling that as if someone is watching them all the time. They kept on moving forward, Zora was walking forward and Tiana was following him from back. They started hearing some Strange voice, they stopped. “ what kind of a voice it is” saying this Zora turned towards Tiana and too his surprise a huge monstrous snake was standing behind Tiana and looking at him Zora shouted Tiana’s name to make her alert but before she could understand the situation the snake caught hold of her, she screamed and her sword from her hand fell down, the monstrous snake caught hold of her tight. The snake brought his face closer to her. Tiana was scared she tried to move but the snake had holded her tight. It seems that the snake was getting ready to swallow her, the moment he opened his mouth, Zora shouted towards the snake. “hey you , before you get her you have to deal with me" saying this Zora pointed his sword towards the snake. The snake understood what Zora was trying to tell him, he set Tiana free and started moving towards Zora in a very fast speed.
Zora saw the snake coming towards him and so he started running away from him. “Zora run as fast as you can, he is coming after you" Tiana shouted making Zora alert. Zora was running as fast as he can but the snake too was very fast and being huge in size his speed was even faster. Zora saw a huge tree. Looking at it he had a smile on his face, he climbed the tree faster like a monkey, the snake saw him climbing the tree and he too went straight on the tree, but before the snake could reach towards him , Zora on the highway while climbing he jumped back down and before the snake could realise anything he cut the snake into two pieces from backside with his sword And the snake died on the sport, the blood of the snake feel on Zoras face. Till then Tiana came running towards him and asked him if he is alright, he nodded his head and then he went towards a river and he washed his face. “we are about to reach near the sorcerer let’s not waste time and continue our journey” Zora replied and she nodded her head. Finally after walking for a while they reached their destination. There was one small wooden house . They entered the house but there was no one. The house was full of dust and there was one old bed . They came out of the house and the sorcerer was standing outside. Seeing him all of a sudden they got scared. He was 5 feet tall with long white beard. “just a moment when we had reached the place there was no one and from nowhere all of a sudden where did you came from” Zora asked. The sorcerer replied with the smile that he was down in the jungle and the moment he saw two people coming towards his house he came to see who are they. “how come you reached so fast within few seconds” Tiana asked. Hearing this Zora came near her and whispered in here ears that she is forgetting that the person standing in front of them is a sorcerer.
The Sorcerer knew what Zora was telling her so he smiled looking at them. “ I thought that you had stopped using your powers but you still use them" Zora replied. Sometimes I use but I have stopped using them like before" The sorcerer replied. “some habits does not go" he replied with a smile. Hearing this Molan the Sorcerer smiled. “so tell me after all these years what made Zora the mighty warrior to come to me” Molan asked. Hearing such words from Molan's mouth towards Zora she became bit surprised. “ I need your help, actually we need your help” Zora replied. “ what? Zora needs my help? Am I talking to the same Zora who has defeated so many bad people in his life, who once even saved a Tribe from the huge army of the dead pirates” the sorcerer replied. Hearing all this Tiana raised her eyebrows. “yes I had defeated the dead army of the pirates once, yes I have even defeated many bad people but this time the situation is different, this time am dealing with a sorcerer, a evil sorcerer” Zora replied. “what’s her name" Molan asked with curiosity. “ her name is Kanisa” Tiana replied. Hearing Kanisa's name Molan face trembled with fear. Zora told him about the incident. “oh you both don’t know with whom you are dealing with, she is one of the most powerful sorcerer, even powerful then me, she has gained powers by the Gods of darkness" Molan replied with fear. “so what we should do, is there no way to stop her" Zora asked. “not me but there is something that can help you, the water of levona river" replied Molan. “what kind of a water is this and how it can help us" Tiana asked with curiosity.
Molan tells them about the history of that river. “long time ago when the universe was created and in the beginning the humans were true from heart, they were pure souls, they did not carry the evil emotions like hatred and selfishness but as time passed these emotions in humans started growing. It is said that the first sorcerer in the world was actually a good hearted human, his name was Ozova, nobody knows from where he came from but he was very powerful, he had all these magical powers and he decided that he will share his powers with other humans so that they can use it for good purpose. Soon he started training other humans to become sorcerers but soon some people started using these powers to gain control over other helpless people and soon Ozova realised that some people will misuse these powers, but he also noticed that some people are using these powers to do good things, so he created a river called Lenova with his magical powers, this river was created specially for the evil sorcerers, any person who throws water of Lenova river on evil sorcerers it will wash away all their powers and will make them a normal human being. After this river was created, the deeds of evil sorcerers decreased as they had the fear that some one might use this water to wash away their powers. Years passed and after the death of Ozova another Sorcerer arrived, his intentions were evil and he was so powerful that he found a way that could keep the people away from this river. He created a illusion around the river that made the river look like it’s disappeared, inspite of the river still being there the people could not see it and this way the way of going to the river got hidden from the eyes of the humans forever, till today the river still exist but nobody knows where it is as it can’t be seen with our normal eyesight due to the magical illusion created around the river. If you able to find the river somehow and get the water and use it against Kanisa then only you will be able to stop her or else there is no other chance" saying this Molan stopped talking.
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