

learning of living when life is dry
I only count the mistakes of leaving for my past life
I was so foolish to know that I am doing same mistakes all the time
As the outcomes are not instant, my life was not so influenced by the mistakes
In the name of passionate living, my choices are selective and agreesive
In the name of focused working, I was so focused in my work that a sharp ray of lesser cuts my heart
I never realised the pain as no blood strain comes out ,
I only count my success and success, nothing else
I only happy and excited if my desires are fulfilled
My desires are selective and not covering all sepectrum of life
Relationships is not my priority
The wheels of life moving without stopping a single moment
life reaches to last phase silently and slowly without any sound of bell
Now my eyes are wide open and I am very much Wiser by experiencing journey of life
I could realise how I wasted my precious time of life not by enjoying the real test of living
I still learning every moment, now my so called passion are not restricting me
My desires are not holding me
I am really now a good learner
My knowledge of living life is enriched but no use
it's like knowledge without action
What I should do with this knowledge,
May I share with my next generation as they may also do similar mistakes
But what about their passion and desire who will handle those rich test of living life when someone is young
I only pray for a blessing from God, to allow my brain to hold the memory of this life to next life
I should have power to activate my old memories in my next birth,
I could live life like a Wiser person and enjoy fullest

But my God is in doubt whether there is any past life , who knows.

life is precious gift from God
let us pray ,
All should know the art of living from the childhood with gratitude and love ,
living by activating micro sensitivity of inner sense
living life with innocent attitude
living with humanity
God bless to all