

Society: Doesn't matter
Society....what is it? Nothing it's just a group of general people ...So why we give more attention to these unknown people who doesn't matter in our real life .....Why???
Is there any answer No naaaa So why we think that OMG when Society will know about my future ,about my career ,about myife ,about my personality it will judge me badly.....Because the people of Society thinks that I am full of useless things No...Society doesn't care about us ,event Society doesn't know about us a lttile bit...
Actually we have created a thought about Society & our according we create them...
When we face failure we become weak & we feel that our surroudings are full of successs only I am failure it's our Society...
When we do something what we want we feel that it's wrong we have no right to do this it's our Society....
When we see a beautiful personality more than me we feel insecure it's our Society....
Society is nothing it's just a creature of our mind which we create ....
So please forget this #Society & it's thinking do what u want .....do accordingly to you......because some unknown pepole will not judge u but U can judge you yourself........
""If u want to live...
U just dream & think..
Take a one second blink
& feel fresh take breathe...(Palak)