

Votarian Philosophy (Part 1)
What is Votarian philosophy? Votarian philosophy gets its name from the old latin word Votary in which roughly translates to sacred oath. Sacred taken from the latin root sacrare can simply mean to immortalize or to set apart, from the latin root of sacer (genitive sacri) and from the old french sacrer it can be related to dedication therefore it can indeed make sense for Votarianism to be a secular philosophy so long as it does indeed require the making and dedicated keeping of oaths. A Votarian must make and keep 13 oaths and understand the logical basis behind each of them.

1-Strive for equality and fairness

2-Regard arrogance, emotional instability/immaturity, toxic superficiality, and defects in empathy/consideration for others as to being your only true enemies both internally and externally.

3-Keep your strength up so that you will have what it takes to help when others are in need and strive to improve the intensity and range of your strengths as an individual.
Try to be relatively conservative with both your physical and emotional energy so that you may expend such in sufficient bursts in times of necessity.

4-Be very careful who you grant heightened levels of respect to as respect also glorifies and stabilizes the power of tyrants and the corrupt when given in portions greater than is given as a base level of respect due to all human beings.

5-Follow the Votarian system for moral reasoning.

6-Aim for self actualization and strive to view yourself through realism rather than through arrogance.

7-Stand up for yourself, but do it with a value of diplomacy, an open mind, avoidence of violence, and an understanding that you are not special and what all that means.

8-Resist being used or manipulated, instead make an example of users and manipulators by exposing them and reacting in a way that discourages their behavior without you needing to rely on violence.

9-Follow the Votarian principles of equivelent exchange.

10-Do not strive to be charismatic, view intentional charisma as a red flag and view society's value of charisma as a societal vice and try extra hard to abstain from being gullible in the presence of those with charisma.

11-Regard empathy and consideration for others as a trait of the fittest in the scheme of survival of the fittest when such is guided and filtered through critical thinking.

12-Embrace logically compatible eccentricity

13-Regard the glory of humanity as to being positive potential and the viewing of others as capable of improvement as to being essential towards showing a base level of respect that all human beings are worthy of.

There are in fact just four core problems with humanity, through these four core problems all actions and inactions by humanity that ultimately cause harm to humanity are enabled and even encouraged. The unfortunate reality is that these four core problems have their places in social and cultural norms that only encouragees people to embrace them. Though people may lash out and make a stand against the inevitable consequences of these four core problems, they are far less likely to stand against the four core problems themselves and history has shown many figures have been put to death or persecuted for pushing for anything that would have landed a critical blow against the socially and culturally rooted aspects of these four core problems.

When this thing we know as humanity came to be, it had no parent figure to ensure it would mature, how could it? Instead humanity progressed slowly just barely progressing in some areas, regressing in others and chaotically shifting between progression and regression though thankfully making some significant headway. The hope that arised as a challenger for this chaotic pattern came in the form of philosophy, the love of wisdom but since then many important philsophers were put to death or pursecuted and even when they were allowed to live full lives, often their progress did not impact society in such a way that would be beneficial for humanity. Despite this, humanity has had the gull to define maturity even as it wasn't mature itself. The point being, we need philosophy as a tool for defining maturity. Silencing philosophy, discouraging it, or patronizing it is ultimately the act of those who would wish to continue pretending to have achieved maturity or those who simply have no concern for such.

The four core problems with humanity are as follows;


2-Toxic Superficiality

3-Emotional Instability/immaturity

4-Defects in empathy/consideration for others

Through these four all problems caused by humanity and inflicted upon humanity are enabled to occur. Now, I am certain that there is much to explain and elaborate on and so I will vaugely describe and address each of these four problems on their own.


Arrogance is having an overconfidence in one's abilities or estimation of self. Someone who is significantly arrogant will view their estimation of self as a...