

There is someone destined for us no matter how we avoid it. Write a story on how destiny controls people's lives.

© Blueberry.muffin

Hazel stood in front of the road, watching the cars pass by.

It was a beautiful evening, you could hear the birds sing, and there was a faint, sweet smell, the smell of baked goods, she suddenly wanted one.

"One can't hurt" She thought to herself.

She walked to the bakery, humming softly, a song, she couldn't remember the title, but it had been stuck in her head for the past week.

She entered the establishment, there was just one customer; a woman, she was probably her age, and she was beautiful, her wide, blue eyes looked at the book she was reading while sipping a cup of coffee; she was likely waiting for whatever baked good she ordered.

Hazel tried to not pay attention to her, but it was almost impossible, suddenly, the employee talked to her.

"Good evening miss, how can we help you today?" He asked, Hazel smiled softly at him

"Can I have... A cupcake?" She said, kind of unsure, the employee smiled

"What flavor?" Hazel hadn't thought this far, she was too busy thinking about the woman that was there.

"Ah, What do you recommend?" She finally said

"Well, I personally like the vanilla ones, would that be okay?"

"Yes, that's perfect, thank you"

"Alright, anything else?"

"Can I have a hot chocolate, please?"

"Of course, so.. That would be 12.99$"

She pays for her stuff and goes sit while they make her coffee, she sits in front of the girl she saw early, her eyes locked on her.

The girl notices and flashes her a soft smile, waving hello, Hazel instantly blushes and looks away.

A few minutes pass, her coffee is ready, hazel heads out, trying to avoid looking back, she probably wouldn't see that girl ever again, and maybe that was for the best.

She's walking fast, she's about 3 streets from the bakery when she suddenly feels a hand on her shoulder; it's the girl she'd been watching, she looks out of breath; she probably ran to catch up with her.

"You dropped this" She says, giving Hazel her airpod's case as she tries to catch her breath.

"Thank you-!" Hazel answers, taking it back. "By the way, what's your name?"

"My name? Oh, I'm Destiny".