

Father's Day
This is my story. I am a tiny little girl who arrived in this beautiful world just a few weeks ago. The moment the first rays of the dazzling sun fell upon me, I felt as if I had accomplished the mission of dropping on earth. My world was not too large …...well…...that moment it seemed quite big, when I opened my eyes for the first time. I was such a tiny little thing. Then eventually I noticed another tiny creature crawling beside me. I was so excited to welcome my little sister. I already behaved like an elder sister. I wanted to brag about my first arrival on the earth and gazing at the bright light before her. I wanted to prove my seniority to her.
Two weeks later, I noticed two pairs of eyes watching us all the time. They never stop doing that. They never leave our side. They are my mother and father. All of a sudden I felt something unusual happening inside my little tummy. Then I saw my mother rush out in a jiffy. Within a second she returned holding something which she very carefully and affectionately put in my mouth. That was an amazing experience for the very first time in life. That unusual bubbling thing inside my stomach stopped and I felt happy. That day I knew what food meant. Food is something that satisfies your hunger and you need it badly to breathe in this world. My mother never stopped after that day. She always had something to feed me and my sister. And my father? He was our bodyguard, our superhero, who was always vigilant and protective. Though I had no idea that day, from what he was protecting us?
But that day, I distinctly remember, I saw my father in a lot of stress for the first time in my life. Our mother went out for food that day, we were eagerly waiting for her but she was taking a longer time than usual. Father panicked. He moved to and fro throughout our small home. The round, bright and shiny sun was about to fade away, father grew anxious. We were starving like hell. Father came to check on us. I saw a fine ray of hope in his eyes. He went out hurriedly. I was getting scared. This feeling was new to me. Feeling of fear. I went closer to my sister and held her tight, trying to protect her from an unknown fear of something which I'm still not aware of. Just before the sun dropped behind those hills, father came back…...alone.
The round, orangish ball of fire rose from behind the hills and I opened my eyes slowly. Alas! I jumped up in fear. Father was nowhere to be seen. My sister was still asleep. I was about to wake her up when father returned with food. He fed me more affectionately than before. That fine ray hope was still there in his eyes but besides that there was another line of pain. He was trying hard to hide it from us but being the elder child I was privileged to see those blurred lines. My mother never returned. I can't say that I missed her, for two reasons, first, I didn't get to spend much time with her and secondly, my father never let us feel her absence.
A few more weeks passed and we found ourselves quite movable. We could now walk around, jump and hop. Our body grew a little bigger. We stretched out our wings and felt something which we never felt before. We wanted to fly. We have now grown into young robins ready to take off with our first flights.
My father was busy that morning. He was jumping all over our nest planning something big. He told us to get ready for the first flying lesson. He cautiously brought us near the exit and took off with a swing and into the air he was flapping his wings merrily. Watching him fly like a pro was a great experience. He was indeed our superhero. He came back to us and asked to fly to the nearest bush of pink bougainvillea. It was close to our nest and not very tall. I gathered all my courage and Woo sh…… Into the air I was. I quickly landed on one of the branches of the bougainvillea bush. Now it was my sister's turn. She was timid so father accompanied her and there she was up in the air and landed beside me. Father instructed us to sit and wait quietly for him to bring some food. He said, there are enemies all around. I had no idea until I saw a huge black bird cawing and maneuvering above. Father said it was a crow. They love to eat tiny bird babies. He asked us to hide between the thick and thorny bushes. This was the reason he chose the bougainvillea bush and I thought it was for those pretty pink flowers. A strange creature, with four legs walked behind the bush with a slender body and a tail making a sound something like a 'meww'. Father said, it's a cat. And birds are its favorite prey. Father flew away for food, while we waited. So, these are a few of the creatures father introduced us to as enemies. Father would fly every time and come back with food. There was not much abundance of food but he fed both of us taking turns. I never understood or knew if he fed himself or not or was the food only for us? I never asked and he never said. That day I learnt a new thing. A day has four stages. Morning,afternoon,evening and night. Each stage is marvelous, full of life and color. As the evening approached, father would take us back to our nests as we could be easy prey for nocturnal creatures. Now this was new again. Till now I thought the whole world goes to sleep at night but there are a few of them who come out at night for food.
Seven days later, we were ready for a long flight. Me, my sister and my father were now ready to leave behind our nest and our humble shelter, the bougainvillea bush. We took off flapping our wings and flew higher and higher. The joy was infinite. We could now spot berries and small insects of our own and fed voraciously on them. Father never left our side.
Yes, it's true, we missed our mother, we missed her seeing us grow, we missed her teaching us our first lesson, we missed her flying with us in the vastness of the blue sky. But, when we see our father we feel even prouder and blessed. We remember his struggle of raising us alone, his patience, his protectiveness, his endurance and dedication to feed us, teach us, and help us grow. The privilege of being the eldest child, now I see a bright line of hope, happiness and fulfillment in our father's eyes. He is our superhero and he will always be.
The End