

For the last time 2
Jane you Called again

Hello, hey it's Jane. What are you doing. asked Jane.? Nothing just laying around looking like this replied Moe. Can you come get me? Asked Jane. Sure where are you ? Asked Moe. Behind Doctor Ramos's office in Adamsville. Said Jane.! I'll be there in 20 minutes replied Moe.,! So pulled in behind dr. Ramos is office and Jane was standing there looking so beautiful and sexy as ever she said Moe, what do you think about our age difference?. I just think it's just a number said Moe! Same here replied Jane! Jane do you like Red Lobster? Asked Moe... I've never eaten there before replied Jane! You'll love it Jane! Said Moe. Florence, Alabama is where we are going to going for dinner,! Replied Moe... Jane you Beautiful baby! Said Moe... We're here Jane! Moe got out and walked around his Siver 2008 Chevy Equinox and opened the door for Jane. Thanks Moe said Jane,! That's what a gentleman is supposed to do for a lady! Said Moe. Welcome to Red Lobster,! Said the hostess!Moe, said thank you ma'am do you have a corner booth her table, where we can have some Privacy? asked Moe. Yes sir I sure do this way please said the hostess! They had a wonderful dinner great conversation went by the mall done with shopping all the way home Jane would you stop on some of the way place like a farm road or chlorophyll for a farm Field road so they can have sex it was great he got home back then goodbye soon they continue to went back to went to bed and continue to have sex all night long and it was great for them both...

Chapter Four

You bought me that

Jane, you bought the shirt I have on in the picture it's my birthday

Jane, I have a picture of the shirt that you bought me and I have a pocket watch with a cross on it that you gave me the same time on my 50th birthday 15 May 2014

Just got home from Phoenix Arizona

Just got home from Phoenix Arizona. From Fed. Court my Sentencing.. I'm at my Bus And here lying in my bed is my Beautiful Princess Jane As I sit down on the bed beside you Jane. I leaned over and kissed you you woke up and kissed me and we hugged for what seemed like forever.. and I told you what my Sentencing was I had to be back in Phoenix, Arizona.. to the fed. Prison by 30 December 2014. For one year and go-to a halfway house for one year and I can come home to you we made love and we made every minute count..

The night I left for prison

My Beautiful Jane, The night I left for the Airport I was looking back at you and you was at the bus crying and I was was to! You was on my mind so bad. When we got to the Savannah/Hardin County Airport I asked The pilot to fly a little low so you could see the plane. Antonio was flying back to Brooklyn New York... I got 3 letters from you and 3 phone calls between January and February and that was it! Until I got a letter from your mother telling me that you had some serious head trauma and that you had lost almost a year of your life.. And that you didn't remember us or me at all.. It killed something inside of me.. Baby all I could think of was you and how I could get out of here.. but there wasn't anything I could do to come to you.. Jane, I was married to Tabitha. When we was seeing each other I left her because she cheated on me and gave me the clap. I love you sincerely For Hanks Jr. 17 December 2014

Fort Leavenworth federal prison

Fort Leavenworth Kansas Federal prison. Today I getting released from prison and I'm being transported to a half way house for one year and I can go home to see if I can find Jane.. and see for myself if she can remember me..I haven't heard anything from my beautiful Princess.. in almost a year Baby your all that's kelp me strong enough to make it through It.. 30 January 2015. My P.O. officer is here to see me and she asked me do you remember our conversation about buying my ticket out of here and not getting into any trouble. I said yes the judge is letting you go home to find your girlfriend. You can leave now and I'll drive you home... Here is your release papers read and sign them. And get your things. I'm coming home to you my beautiful princess Sincerely More Hanks Jr.

Just got back home

I'm at home in Tennessee. Went to the bus and you wasn't there.. So I : to see your mother and I knocked on the door and you answered it and you didn't know who I was.. I asked to see your mother and you showed me the way and as your mother and I talked you came into the room and you stained at me and said where do I know you from and I said I've been around. And I had to leave I'm sorry I did my love sincerely Moe Hanks Jr.

I'm at home in Tennessee. Went there.. So I : to see your mother and I knocked on the door and you answered it and you didn't know who I was.. I asked to see your mother and you showed me the way and as your mother and I talked you came into the room and you stained at me and said where do I know you from and I said I've been around. And I had to leave I'm sorry I did my love sincerely Moe Hanks Jr.

Had a bad heart attack

I got into it with Pat, and had a bad heart a tack and was airlifted to Jackson Tennessee Hospital where I stayed for two weeks.. and when I got out of the hospital Pat, was there to drive me home I gave her a medical power of attorney and she had redone it and into a dual power of attorney that meant she was over everything.. she told me after I went to the bank there was nothing there that she had found everything about me and you and destroyed it off she even sold the bust of the land everything was down I had nothing left and it was nothing I could do because it was all legal.. Baby she cleaned me the fuck out.. all my proof for you to prove you that we did have something going on with gone.. honey I know it seems like a wild story but it really did happen.. we kept it really quite nobody knew except for your mother and you and I and Pat, that bitche never going to admit it to you or me.. she said if she didn't have me no one else could.. Jane I love you so much and still do that's why I'm so in love with you because it was real. sincerely Moe Hanks Jr..

Pat I'm done with you

Pat, I'm done with you for good today I'm at Mom's house is Savannah and.. I haven't thought about anything but you Jane, I've seen you a few times since I was at your mother's house.. I'm living on the streets right now I'm thinking about leaving Savannah and going to Memphis, Tennessee.. I'm going to go to your mother's house and talk to her one more time your mother told me that you was back with Aaron Latheham, Jane it's 20 June 2018 I just left your mother's house and she said don't ever forget that you gave me your word that if you tell her about you and I it could cause you to have a relasp and it could hurt you.. I told her that I would be leaving town for good... Jane I'm sorry that I let you down by getting my ass in trouble and going to prison and leaving you alone... but I did come back to you as soon as I could but you didn't know me anymore I won't be coming back to Savannah. Maybe God will tell you I did come back to you with all the love I have for you.I got a call from Pipper Sutherland is my good friend and boss. Just called me to come to Nashville, Tennessee. That he has... Had some people that he wanted to meet about 2 Songs that I had written the first one was called ( For The Last Time) and the second one was called ( How Long Will I Love You ) and that to new singers had read them and wanted to do my song's so when I got off the phone with Pipper, I got into my car and Drove from Memphis, Tennessee. To Nashville Tennessee Meet the new singers and Pipper and the new singers he introduce me to Emily Spalding and Tim Lewis and they asked for my permission to sing my song's Jane I hope you like them I love you More Davis Jr.

Happy Birthday Jane.

Happy Birthday Jane...I just arrived in Memphis, Tennessee. I hope your ok my beautiful princess.. I wish that you were here with me right now.. I'm talking to Maria my kids mom in Brooklyn NY. and she wants me to come to New York City and live with her and the kids.. I'm working for Pipper Sutherland driving his bus.. I'm thinking about moving to Nashville Tennessee. Jane, I have written two songs for you I gave them to Pipper, to see what he thought about them he said that they were really good. Honey I have to go to work I love you maybe you can read this Sincerely Moe Hanks Jr.

New Year's Eve

My Beautiful Princess Jane, It's 12:11 New year's Eve it is like Thanksgiving Christmas and it's going to be New year's and we will be apart still but in 24 February 2020 we will be together baby I can't wait to hold you in my arms to show you that I love you and how much you ain't got to know me by now you're never going to know me. Honey I love you with all my heart. I can't imagine living without you now. Jane, my love I want you to know something and I asked you if you would do me this one thing when I'm talking to you on the phone. The last thing I want to do is taco hear you talk about other man I want to talk about you and me not someone else not leave or I don't give if Roy dies I'm not going to put up with his shit he's got me that mean you going to kill you in all this over My Dead body will and you damn sure ain't going around Roy and don't take nothing from Mike I mean it not a damn thing I do not want my bringing you nothing I don't know what Michael but you said he was jealous if they're stop because you with me fuck at some of it I want you to be with me I don't you be within something because nobody else I'm not going to get hurt I've been hurt too many times I can't do it if you want me I'm here for you but I can't have you somebody else and not me if it didn't work for us I'm gone. I'll stay if it does work for us I will never leave you. I will never hurt you I will never break your heart I'll never raise my hand to you maybe when I get some of my heart I give up give it all the time not just a piece I'm not out to hurt you break your heart or anything I wish you can trust me for I love you with all my heart I want to be a part of my life I'm going to be a part of your life blocking dead when you talk about other men. Taurus is a very generous person loving passionate Carrie but also they can be very jealous. I love you baby good night sweet dreams love your old man Moe Davis Jr.

letter to Jane


My dearest Jane, Friday 20 December 2019 I got your letter in the mail today I'm so damn glad to hear from you I have left Savannah for you Friday morning 2 a.m. Friday morning headed to New York to take the other part of my new oath for the family Antonio ranked me as Captain means I can never get out for sure now l will be over the southern part all of Tennessee parts of Mississippi parts of Alabama and part of Arkansas I'll have several men to help me in the southern part...The attorney draw up some papers for a loan on my brownstone house so I can get you out of Jail. I have to carry some papers to the judge if my friend Pipper Sutherland hadn't talked the governor of Tennessee and Tennessee state representative Byrd Antonio and Pipper have been trying to get your release papers to get you out but incase I put the brownstone up for collateral in Brooklyn the lawyers there are very expensive $100,000 retainer fee The brownstone is worth $2,000,000 Antonio said he's going to he's going to pay the brownstone off Antonio said what he was remodeling the bedroom where Little Anthony slept that's the only room that we did not remodel and he found a journal with five pages in it in the wall from my mother's Name was Annabella Sorta Lucia and my twin sister her name was Maria Consuela Lucia that was my birth mother's home and it has that tells about my birthday year I was actually born today I was actually born about my father and who my real grandfather was Tony Lucia the Godfather of the Italian mafia the boss of the five families... Alfredo was not my grandfather question was not my grandfather but you already liked your copy if I send it to you so you can read it to give you something... anyway it's very interesting oh by the way I forgot to tell you I got a text from the state today and it says you're in date is 4 March 2020 that will be your release date and I will call and make damn sure I called department of corrections in Nashville and they said that is your end date at 12:01 a.m. midnight I will be there the veggie up like a promise so don't be worried about what this dumb dick motherfukers in Hardin county said and believe me that f******. Jailer this is starting to shit between me and you that b**** going to pay for that I don't have to have permission to live. what I want to do now that was made clear to me by Antonio if three others Robert in Hartford Connecticut tell me the same thing and Roberts over me in it it's from my birth mother... Jane no matter what I will be there at that damn jail on Sunday morning if it kills me get there 9:45amI will be there for you Jane, I miss you I love you so damn much that is like you remember something I told you I gave you my word I would always be here for you and I've been going on my playing I'll go anywhere now but after I got home Sunday at a quarter till 10:00am
The jailer come out and said that you refused my and you didn't want to see any more and it was over between us in the morning according to your letter today. The Jailer is bulshit she told you the same damn thing about me Saturday tomorrow Saturday I will be at Selmer jail as I told you I would to see you between 3 and 6 I'll put this in the mail for you oh by the way I saw your daughter today Tammy I think is her name but we got it I didn't say anything to them but your daughter looks like her Beautiful mother but when you get your ass out of there we're leaving damn Tennessee for a while anyway this part of Tennessee for a while keepers want to go on tour with him about getting your record expunged just go to her with him overseas for the next 9 months does a baby start thinking on that you want to do it batam I have missed you so much I know it's been hard on you being locked up it has been hard on me to waiting for you not just waiting to all the other stuff out of the power of attorney documents drawn up trying to get your ass out there and get you some medicine that you were that you always have been to me and you always will be I guess that's why I love you so damn much because you're you I'm sorry l was doing my it as best as I could... I helped you ...where is everyone else at you called for help? Hardin county is a dick suckers over there is a sorry God damn place... part of my life I just wanted to go home to Sicily... if it that works out like it should... I know you and the kids would love it over there because it's great. I can't find any place to live over here...when you get out of this place and live according to the journal I cannot be buried in the same cemetery with my son because Im a half-breed will be buried at another place for what they call the Lucia seven burial ground according to my birth mother she said it was a beautiful place there's a big mausoleum oh by the way I'm getting to see my mother here I guess it's just got him a fixed but connected to heater stay out f***** up over here but at least I'm getting to see her she don't know who the hell I am her Alzheimer's just got her bad Jane I we're just you wait and see your last will be all like that better than it ever was I told you I was going to stay out of this but when I thought you didn't want me anymore chords that f****** b**** guard fight back and now I will always be back because I could never since I've been ranked I can never get up like I did before I love you and I'll get the same printed up and I'll tell you you should get it probably one day next week just remember I love you and I'm not going to f****** place without you I gave you my word it's all I have left is my word by Calvin no I have the I understand know what Daddy was talking about when he said famous boy died these for sorry he was leaving me with these bastards here because no one was going to walk me right now according to the whatever in this journal of my mother's I understand it all now love you. Good night is about 2:26 a.m. on the 21st of December goodnight sweet dreams love you
More Hanks Jr.

Jane called Moe.