

What happen to me as a child (real life story)
When I was a little girl something happened to me I would forget.One day my mom said she wasn't feeling well so she went to the hospital later that day she never return I was worried I try to call her on the house phone but I got voice emailed .Later that evening at 4.00 my uncle.called us and told us my brother and sister too pack our things we had to stay with our anty He arrived at 4.30 I remember because we had a small clock above the Tv ,He said you mom is in the hospital she has to stay there she is very sick 😩I felt like I was dreaming 😴 no I wasn't it was real .We went bye our anty we were happy to see my cousins but I wasn't I missed my mom I remember a swing my cousins had made. I went and sat down I looked up and started to sing the gospels I heard my mom played .The sun was fading the darkness took over ,I was scared And sad that I stared to cry 😭My two anties huged me and told me don't worry my mom is fine They expected me to believe that ,I feel asleep after my sister started to cry and I got up she was about -2-3 yrs I had to get up ever night 🌙 and make her a Bottle of tea .Three days of past never heard from my mother On the fourth day she called in the night she said she loved us and she would try to call us she was busy taking test to see if she was good she said I love and hang up .I could take it no more I felt upset I stated to cry my anty said when I was crying they take me to see my dad .They took me to see my day I ran up and gives him a hug I didn't want to go back he said ,he has to work who would be home to stay with you guys that night .I went to sleep hugging my pillow which a tapped a picture of my mom on.That morning I went back to my anty a week of begin lonely having to hear everything is fine from my anty sleepless night waking up to my sister crying make her a Bottle and deal with my cousin he tryed to make me feel better nothing work on day my cousin took my sis and her sis on a walk my bro and boy cousin went to these and my anty had to work I everything tuned tought my mind as a stared to cry heard I was having a mental break down at that time I screamed out God what did I do to deserve why my mom why me as a stared to try to carm down myself then i heard my cuz in never want her to see me crying so wiped my tears up . I took breath later that day my anty came home and she say as she say us down to talk she replied your mommy got out the hospital I screamed hugging my cousins I was happy .I could not sleep the next night .Next day I ran to my mom and gives he tear running down my cheeck S feeling happy 😀😇Thank you god 😇 We spend 2 months by my anty and the next day i went to school happy❤