

Last time
"Leave me alone,will ya?"annoyed, Robert yelled at Lily who was just trying to get some attention.He has been behaving different since a week now."I am sorry"Lily cried, disappointed.
Days went by but Robert never changed.He kept yelling and scolding Lily,not bothered of her feelings.
"I am hungry"He yelled as he banged the front door.After playing game for almost the whole day ,he started to look for Lily.It was strange as she would have replied him instantly.
He opened the wardrobe out of nowhere only to find a medical report.A found a note on the table 'Goin' to hospital for check up.Food is in the refrigerator,warm it up
Love ya,
it said.Just as Robert was about to warm it up.His phone rang, picking it up he got the news"Ms.Lily had an accident.Please come to XXXX road"the person on call said.
He drove at the top speed only to find her dead.He took her in his arms, crying and moaning, apologising to the dead girl.
She would have been happy to hear his apology.Lily never considered Robert as a hothead guy with anger issues.For her, Robert was someone she loved deeply and would sacrifice herself for.
Do you think Robert loved her truly?
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