

🍷 Pores And Was We Ever Really Here
You think the snow weather will change
the situations but when you got the money from a dead guy on the corner
and you got the wine bottle. You think
I made out good right wrong. That guy
you got that from not really dead he a ghost to your situation cause you got
away. But he been watching you but
can that money get you away from
that or from the winery which introduced you two when the snow
fell but it was not all peaches an
cream. But you thought he loved
But he don't know how to show
his heart. Who knows maybe the
woman of his past done burnt the
soul. For the next women who trys
to love him. So the winery gave him
a job but a huge snow fall fell on there
drinks and dreams. Nature does it's own
thing it no telling what will happen next
to add to that. This pandemic got people
and more people fighting, disappearing
an checking out. I thought I was solid
But the man left and it was a lady waiting
down the block trying to take my place.
And another waiting for my eyes to hit the pillows. So what can I say an if I step
out the situation to go to the store. They
treat me as if. Hey bitch you can not
afford to shop if you bring a friend to
help you carry your items for you and
him. So it's bad everywhere everybody
on edge. Lovers are on edge people
really hurting others thinking they didn't
do any thing but there scars you can't
understand what they leave you with.
And yet we all not promised tomorrow
or any other day. But all you can do
is keep being alive go to New stores
and hope the it snows very much to
keep everybody from being on the
streets just wilding at each other.
Snow keeps you low. And back to
the winery now you got away with
the wines but where do you sell such
stuff. Oh She got a foodie 🚚 and
it was on oh snap a drive up business.
liquor for sale an smokes and I can
cook chicken, beef, and some seafood
dishes for the right price and you know
this so let me know I cater small functions in the pandemic. So when
you see the truck open your gates yes
alright. Then a few hours later I drive
away And my truck empty but my bank
a little thicker then what it was. Even
if your mind messed up and you don't
know what it was all you know is that
you need some dough to run. Before
you out there and you don't have nothing and your stuff in the mail
never got in your hands and you like
see that's why I am a little lite now.
So you sell the truck. And you buy
a car to live in because there are
no guarantee s and this is true. Then
you go back to the winery park your car
work. But hope that they don't know that it was you who did the robbery
15 days before. When a whole gasket
went missing. So you work and send
most of your days in grapes dreaming
of your own winery so day. But for
now you not broke but you could have
been if you didn't think your way out
of your problems. Which mind you never
seem to be just a 🍷 taste away from
over with that. And then a couple
of days later we cutting the cost for
losing that gasket so you all played off
pick your last pay up at the door. And
when you get to the door it's just not
there. So you in you car and not you
have to find another winery up the
countryside which you can be at to
hide out from the pain which life has
caused you. So you go and hey don't
look back 🏃 or 🚗 to a new kind
of life. The End
© lashes sullivan