

The thing that lurks in the woods.
(Ring Ring Ring)The school bell rang,Mark had been waiting for this moment his whole life,summer vacation.Mark stormed down the hallway to his best friend jack,they had so much planned for this summer they couldn't wait.They were gonna go to the movies together play video games with each other and so much more.Down the hallway Mark could see he other friend Jimmy.Well you see the thing about Jimmy he's the nicest person you'll ever meet but he's also the dumbest person you'll ever meet to.Man Jimmy,he's about as dumb as a rock.I remember one time Jimmy was in history class and Mrs Jackson are teacher asked him a question about states or something I cant remember but any way Jimmy had to remember if Virginia was a state or a country,oh Jimmy he cracks me up (says mark). Sup guys says Jimmy, what are you guys up to. Nothing you (says mark),no (says Jimmy).So what are we going to do this summer (says Jimmy).I was thinking about starting off the summer with some video games at Jack's house. No that sounds lame(says Jimmy).But you love playing video games Jimmy. Well what would you like to do Jimmy. Well everyone has been talking about going in to the woods beside the school,like exploring. I've heard that a kid named Rick Merry went missing in those woods. Jimmy is this another one of you story's. No this is true I promise. But I don't like scary stuff (says jack). Oh come on, don't be a woss jack. Uhh I don't know (says jack).Yeah I'm with jack(says mark).If you guys are really my friends you will go with me.Fine(says mark and jack). Jimmy bolts off to his bike, Mark and jack followed slowly behind him to there bikes. Then Jimmy yells the adventure begins. Jimmy,Mark,Jack all ride down with there bikes to the forest,They arrive,jack shaking with fear in his eyes. Jimmy says they will split up. Jack looks at Jimmy and says are you crazy. Jimmy says a little, but now it's time to split up and look for clues gang come on. This isn't Scooby doo Jimmy wake up(Jack says),we can't just split up. Come on we'll be fine jack,there is nothing to worry about(says Jimmy). You said a kid went missing in this forest(says jack). Now guys lets not start a fight here(says mark). Well if we do split up I don't won't to be with this idiot. Fine with me. Mark you'll go with jack I'll go by myself. Ok me and Mark will go right you will go left. Ok captain. Uhh I hate Jimmy. It's ok you don't hate Jimmy jack you just uhh don't like Jimmy yeah. Mark and jack start walking right when Jimmy starts walking left.(five minutes later).Mark and jack get deeper into the forest but then jack spots something strange, tracks of blood. Then Mark says to jack shh I heard something. Is this another stupid game of yours Mark. No shh! Then they both hear a long cold blooded scream, (Mark says) hey that sounds like Jimmy. They both look at each other and say Jimmy is in trouble!