

One day my dad took me to a bicycle shop.....it was a pretty cool shop with a huge door and a open board hanging on it,as we entered we saw many bicycles in a row . Dad asked me to select a bicycle whichever I liked. whole showroom was full of bicycles I walked around them, saw many bicycles pink and red and grey with a radium in tyre with a basket a bell and a nice handle. I got confused which one to choose ? I was really amazed after looking at those beautiful shades and varieties , I loved it all.... as a dreamy little child I saw everything but when I was asked which one to buy I wasn't able to tell....all of them seemed beautiful in its own sense I was spellbound.... then papa again asked me which one dear ? I thought for a while and replied I want all of them....because I can't choose one .... I don't wanna be partial if I choose only one then it would be injustice with others.Every bicycle is special.... then all started laughing at my answer... but I was wondering if they laughed at my stupidity or greed.Then I also smiled out of confusion

Again I strolled around bicycles..... I sat on one and then ringed the bell and suddenly my eyes stopped on a wonderful blue bicycle ....with a little plummy seat and it's cute horn with a big orange pom pom meow on it, it was adding to it's cuteness. I loved it at once and I had my answer.... I ran towards it and cried in ecstacy "I want this one!!! " within no time I was on it and till pappa mumma and the showroom guys arrived I enjoyed its ride in small rounds...in showroom....no one at all debated on my choice and brought it home for me within no time.....and till now I remember I had my lunch dinner and sleep too on my new bicycle....then we went to join side wheels for her..... I named her Bruno , she was my bestie. Garage uncle took her and I gave him the key , then he joined some screws and fitted beautiful smalll side wheels to it ..... I was very happy that day.

I used to ride it everyday down the streets...... even tied a friendship band on friendship day......one day as usual I went with it down the street and suddenly something happened ..... she felt heavier than usual.... then I checked and noticed something was wrong with it..... immediately I took her at garage, uncle checked her and told me she was punchered ..... he soon turned her upside down.... she was lying in parts , I was worried what happened to her..... I had tears in eyes.

But soon she was joined again and I was as happy as anything.I again enjoyed her ride and kept her close to my heart......as time flew I grew older but even today while riding my scooty I always remember my little Bruno.

My Bruno always has a special place in my heart. I hope all of you must also be having something special in your first bicycle.....