

where do i find true bonding!
It was a fine day, i had some free time inside bus to think. It was a journey towards my parents after long days...
my parents were calling me for every two hours with lot of joy ,coz of my arrival.
I happen to get a window seat and was thinking of my past life.once i happen to get maturity through a guy, of course the dating times were sweet, but ending was bad like fighting and breaking up under the name of selfishness, ego, self respect!
The guy who i thought of travelling along with till my last breath had thinned into air after just few minutes...
but still after all this i got calls of enquiring myself, even all this years ,who didnt get bored of me. those people did return back to me even if i slam them with words and action.
That was my parents!!!
They always initiated and restarted my life again and again on every unforgivable mistakes...
I happen to see some other people in my life too.. like these people became burden for them on their own family days... parents become burden and ur family becomes ur everything!
A corner room which could have been storage room if they were not there. that will their resort on their last days. when they die ,people would worry on how much time and money i used but still its waste..
haha.... here their concern is money!
They could have invested those on some other valuables!
But deep inside every family man who will be the next head will be on fear... the fear of managing family in future without their father or mother to guide ,atleast to say the golden words"ur father and me had seen lot worse than this, but still we are here. this will pass away too...."
people realise these gifts so late only.. so it become meaningless on untimely zones.

there will be lot of people , when ur rich,
there will be lot of guyz, when ur partying happily,
there will be lot of gentle humans, when u become successful
but on contraversy,
there will be none, during ur failure,
there will be none, when ur story initiated before ur success,
there will be none, when ur plans are failing,
there will be none in this world to show ur weakness towards to..
there will be none, whom u can lean when ur lonely,
there will be none, whom can bless u and ur babies on good days with pure hearts...
But only ur parents will be with you in above all...

Even after ur success and failure, they are the people who can bless u with another new beginning everytime....
so cherish ur valuable parents when u have them with u,
Treat them well and stay happily with true joy!

© ruby nithi