

What was lost
I am happy to inform you I recently retrieved what I had lost.Id it okay to write this? Absolutely 😇,Is it okay to expose oneself naked before the number of eyes to see this? Definitely 💓
Well,I'm overwhelmed like never before,yes, overwhelmed is the word.As my beloved pen glides across this paper,I feel relaxed.I feel relieved.Maybe all the words can't be weaved ,sieved and written down as a poem,get as I write about what I lost in a clear continuous statement,there is a silent promise to you that by the end of my endeavours with my pen,it will be found in a even better state than hiw i lost it.🏵️❄️Life can be lonely,it can be a mess and at the same time filled with merry. Nobles will laugh and smile yet behind their facade maybe there lies sorrows and wounds and cuts deep for words.🫥What is that?Maybe pushing life forward,maybe to remain strong for their children,so that when it's their turn,they took won't give up on life.
But with all that,sand castles are brought down as the waves crush on in the shores.Whaf happens when the energy to remain perfect wears down?The thind glass walls separating us from reality shattering like crashed egg shells,to a million pieces
What happens when the last spark of hope blazes at a far away corner and then goes off all of a sudden?Yet, something I came to learn is that,many consider the best lights to be the bright ones,and maybe the brightness burns other valuables in your life.O found a yellow glow instead of a bright one,it didn't burn the valuables I had,as it's touch was gentle and careful,and the main important thing and purpose of the glow remained unfazed as I was able to see too.Hence,as i say i retrieved something in a better state than how i lost it,you get me,right?🥳🥹✨