

My blind girl
ONCE UPON TIME,there was lovely girl and she was blind.Her life is not so bad.Her eye was blind on accident when she was 8years old and that time she lost her mother after that her father was not so close to her.She awlays thought that why my father neve talk to me.Blind girl always thought why i am become like this ,she always thought that if accident never happened then father will never being like this.In her life all thing was normal ,she can go school,college and other by herself.Blind girl done every thing by herself,never need other help.But one day she meet young boy and always following her,blind girl feel that someone was following her but she never reacted. Young boy always follow her but why she never reacted and why why.Another day he followed her whole weeks than he known that she was blind girl. After that he always thought how to talk with her.After 6month he have chance to talk with girl and they two love each other and they married after 3year.
(after that they live happy life with her young handsome boy,blind girl can see again this world with her husband)
bye bye😍😍😍😍
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