

Chapter-5 weird romantics
Chapter-5 weird romantics

Dru : what do you mean by heart-shaped pizza, idiot

Lav: it's the greatest idea in the history of great ideas my friend...

Dru: okay,let's see who's the loser

Lav:oh man you have improved that Australian accent "mate" (chuckles)

Dru: Shut up

Lav: *mimicking dru* "Sha Uppp"

Dru: enough (chuckles)

Lav: okay calm down

Dru: wait you got a little something in your hair, do you mind?

Lav: yes I kinda do (removes it herself)

Dru: (mumbles) try to get things further,no she can help herself

Lav:you said something?

Dru: nothing..and let's focus on alex and jade right now

Lav: yeah you're right (Lav calls alex on his phone and says: )

Lav:hey alex come here by the exit gate of the arcade

Alex:what's the magic word??

Lav: Now!

Alex: okay okay

Alex comes to Lav and asks her ....

Alex:yes what do you want

Lav: you and jade will sit together

Alex: wait why

Lav:you need to be close to kiss

Alex: lord! We are just friends

Lav and dru laugh together and "JUST FREINDS"

Alex: I mean she could like me i am handsome cool cute hot a whole package!
Lav: stupid to added in the package

Alex: Lav come on support me on my first date

Lav: Hey dru you hear it it's a DATE now

Dru: yeah it's official

Alex: guys enough

Lav: okay but just pull the chair out for her when she sits open the doors for her and let her order first THESE ARE THE BASIC RULES

alex: okay I got this thanks lav and dru!

Alex was walking towards the table and spotted jade he went to her and said

Alex: hey jade (pulls the chair for her)

Jade: thanks (chuckles) where are the others

Alex: lav and dru they bowling alley theynwill come ,you order they will be here

Jade:okay (gives order to the waiter)

Alex: yeah just a valentines pizza for me

Jade :just for you?

Alex: I mean.... um.. for us

Jade: okay

Alex: hey jade will you be my date to the Halloween party

Jade: i..sure... I like you.... I mean it's a yes

Alex:don't make it weird

Lav and dru spying at them from the window and they finally saw a hint of love
And lav said....

Lav: he made it... he asked her to be his date to the party

Dru: yayyyy this is so dope ! Lav I've never seen you this happy before

Lav: i know! But yay

Dru : and lav....

Before dru could speak lav Interrupted him and said...

Lav:text me whatever you wanna say I need to go and act I know come on let's go

Dru: Okay

Dru thinks to himself *maybe next time*

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